Elena Sartison

Meet The Model: Elena Sartison
Elena was a champion swimmer back in Russia, but now she's a New York-based model with a love of airplanes and inter-species friendships.

Name: Elena Sartison
Star Sign: Gemini

Where are you from and where are you currently living?
My father is German and my mother is Russian, I am half/half. Living in New York now. Love this city a lot!

What were you into in high school?
Gymnastics and swimming. I was professional swimmer and finished third in the Championship of Russia. My favorite subjects were economics, literature and Russian language.

In what ways have you changed since then?
I learned life in practice, is often more complex than what we learned in theory. Living on your own is the best lesson.

What did you do for your last birthday?
I spent it with family and friends. We attended a concert and had delicious dinner.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever what would it be?
I choose to stay with the right attitude. Age is not important.

If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
I would choose my pet dog Charlie who has been with me over 10 years. :)

What scares you most?
When I have a deadline and I'm running out of time.

Best piece of advice you ever received?
Always be positive and believe in yourself. Set realistic targets. If you work hard enough, you can achieve your goals.

What is a skill you wish you possessed?
My father is a great airplane pilot. I am proud of his achievement in this and would like to learn fly a plane too.

What fictional character to you most relate to, and why?
Cinderella. She had life full of hardship and challenges. Regardless she was good and nice girl. I try to live up to her standards.

Best Youtube clip you've ever seen?
Where a dog trying to save a fish. It was sweet to see how animals even from different species try to help each other. People should learn from that too.

Which three people (dead or alive) would be your dream party guests?
Elvis Presley, Robbie Williams and Marilyn Monroe.

Do you prefer crowds, small groups or being alone?
Everything in moderation.

What's in rotation on your iPod at the moment?
I listen to different radio stations. Classical in the morning, house during the day and something chill in the evening at home.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
To be successful and well respected model.

Will you send us a selfie?
Sure! You also can see my pictures on Instagram @elenasartison

Photography: Franey Miller
Fashion: Sam Bates
Make-up Assistant: Denise Ponce
Model: Elena Sartison

Styled by Yety Akinola
Model Elena Sartison
Photographed by Kailas Michael
H&M: Christyna Kay


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