I don't want to come across as rude and I'm saying this with no malicious intent
but I don't understand why you feel justified in saying that she comes across as cocky several times in her thread. Heh.
It's pretty evident that Faretta herself reads the comments in here and bearing in mind that she's 19, still a teenager, and in most places just out of high school or just about to start college (for people in the age group), she's still finding out how to present herself, especially to the media. I suppose we can give her a pass for that.
People tend to tense up when there's a camera smacked in front of their faces and they have to talk, and coupled with the long hours during fashion week, it's understandable that she may come across as blunt. + She said it herself that she's an honest girl.
As long as she keeps rebooking work with people, it shows that they enjoy having her and I suppose that's a better reflection of her personality, even if like you said, there's a little diva in here