Farrah Fawcett Dies of Cancer at 62

Very sad...

This may sound strange, but I wonder if Jackson's death with overshadow, if you will, the news of her passing...

What a lovely woman she was.
Unfortunately, Michael's death will overshadow hers. :(
I'm glad I have to work tomorrow, because I'm sure the tv stations will spend the whole day bombarding with reports of Michael's life, his "legacy", etc, etc, etc...
I'm glad I won't be home, as ANY kind of repetitive news gets tiring after a while.

But anyway, I was a great fan of the show Charlie's Angels, so I will greatly miss Farrah. :(
RIP Farrah.

and I was just watching CNN Larry King, and he said they had a planned special for Farrah tonight, and now with MJ's death, all coverage on Farrah will be canceled.

I knew that would happen the second I found out about Michael.
She is in a better place, I think, in contrast of what she'd been going through. It's just sad that her son didn't get to see her final moments.
RIP Ms. Fawcett
^Yes,they planned to get married...So sad....:(


That's what saddens me the most, that she never got that last gesture of love. But I'm sure she knew how much he loved her and how much he'll miss her.
Michael Jackson stole her the stardom tonight.

But she also has a impact in my childhood. I haven't found her pretty even when she was in Charlie's Angels. I used to call her... Crème fouetté because of her hair (don't know how to say it in english).

To Farrah : Rest In Peace Crème fouetté (and don't break to much heart in heaven ;)
she was the epitomy of the seventies; blonde, bombshell and all out glam!R.I.P. one of charlie's angels has gone to heaven...
I think Farrah is such an important and iconic women for the fashion history in many ways, because she still represents the ultimate 70s babe for all of the Western world. I think all these designers today who keep finding inspiration from the 70s, the golden years of disco and Studio 54 all design 'Farrah' over and over again, and put her image on the runway time after time.

To me, she is 70s. Obviously I was not alive at the time, but her healthy blond Californian image is stamped to my brain as the ultimate woman of 70s. I mean even these images are all Farrah to me...






RIP beautiful angel. You will live in our minds and hearts forever.

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