Favorite Vogue?


Amour Comme Hiver
Jul 13, 2005
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Vogue is arguably the ultimate women's fashion magazine in the world. Which is your personal fave?

US Vogue

Vogue Brasilia

Vogue China

Vogue France (better known as Vogue Paris)

Vogue Deutchland/Germany

Vogue Hellenes/Greece

Vogue Italia/Italy

Vogue Korea (I don't think I've ever even seen Vogue Korea...:unsure: )

Vogue Japan

Vogue Mexico (Didn't know about that one either...)

Vogue Portugal

Vogue Russia

Vogue Espana/Spain

Vogue Switzerland

Vogue Taiwan

Vogue Britannia/British Vogue
Vogue Paris
Vogue UK
Vogue IT
Vogue US
The one that's most relevant to my life is Vogue Espana, because it's interested in presenting fashion in terms of achievable glamour. Workable, wearable.

I do like Vogue Italia for its experimental layouts, but that appeals more to my mind than it does to my wardrobe, and after buying it for 15 years, no matter how experimental the images, I do get the feeling sometimes that I've seen it all before.

Is there a Vogue Switzerland?
Italia Vogue~~~~~~~~~~~I do like to say Vogue China is the worst~
^^ Vogue Australia is complete and utter rubbish, far worse than Vogue China.

My favourite is a tie between Vogue IT/Vogue Paris.
I buy Vogue UK anyway just to be patriotic.
Vogue Italia is number one of course!! Then comes Vogue Paris and Vogue UK :flower: Can I just say that Vogue US is one of the worst Vogues, coming from a New Yorker :lol:
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There really is Vogue Korea and sometimes it appears on this thread. -_- :innocent:

I love Vogue Italia and Paris. IMO, they are the best editions of Vogue.

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