The real fur full coat is nice and I’d snatch that up if I were a woman. It’s very Helmut in origin— but polite and tasteful Helmut. Had Maximillian been working 20 years ago, he would have had success as the head designer for a premium house brand of Barnys/Neiman/Saks, where they follow and interpret high fashion designers’ in a more accessible offering and still kept it at a premium in production. And that’s always been his problem: He can’t seem to push beyond that polite, tasteful creative standard where his offerings remind instantly of better and greater designs. We’ve seen it all before, as well-crafted and well-produced as it may all be. Already mentioned this in his namesake thread, but he needs to be in a small brand where the customer is looking for a refined dressmaker rather than a designer, and where he doesn’t have the barreling pressures of conjuring gimmicks/tricks that’s expected of high profile brands the days. Because those huge twin bags look so forced and silly like giant ammo pouches on his tasteful designs is desperate, pathetic styling.
(Paloma being her usual jarring self, and looking high as usual, and the only one clearly wearing a corset-- or two, is not that comical moment the brand needs for attention LMFAO)