Gay School

at firts i thought if have been given the chance to go to a gay school at age 15 i would have gone in a second
but it is true that the gay scene in bars and discos is evil enough to take it to school
an all gay school would become a nest for gay snakes
I mean I live in a very liberal area, but I am opposed to these schools because I believe that tolerance should be taught and you're essentially segregating the gay kids, which will breed even more hate. My school had a National Day of Silence observance in which a good chunk of the school participated. It doesn't matter if you're gay at my school. Granted I attend a very liberal school but I think that schools where the intolerant people are should be forced to administer classes on tolerance. Sit the kids who do the violence and slurs down, and make them watch videos of what can happen.
I disagree with people who think this school is a bad idea. I go to a school for kids with learning disorders, because at a public high school, I wasn't getting the support I needed for someone with ADD, and, consequently, I was so stressed out and it was affecting my grades greatly. But at this school, I can get the help I needed and my anxiety and depression has completely gone away. Does going to this school highlight how 'different' I am? Does it segregate me from kids without learning disorders? Absolutely not. I think a lot of you are failing to realize that homosexual students, just like students with LDs, have different needs than heterosexual ones, and they deserve to have them met.
^ Yes. Real equality isn't "Treating everyone exactly the same, and hoping for good results". It's understanding that different people have different needs based on who they are.

I think people need to see both sides of the story here. If gay people want to attend a gay school no one should have the power to stop them. Isn't it true that gay people are not allowed to attend many proms all over America? I mean that's disgusting.

Secondly it's extremely hard and hurtful to be around ignorant and intolerable people. Why do so many people have an AWFUL time at high school (but a wonderful time at university)? Because we weren't accepted for who we are.

Thirdly, when people say things like "Oh, but that won't teach ignorant people to accept others" you have to understand that the idea of Gay School is for the benefit of gay people, not for the educational benefit of ignorant people who won't accept them.

High school is an environment where people who are all alike are very popular, and people who are on the outskirts are alienated. That's probably never going to change in our lifetime, sad as it sounds.

Why should we accept this environment as it is.. Trust me, stupid people don't learn much in high school, ESPECIALLY accepting difference.

I do agree that it is a wonderful idea to teach acceptance of diversity from a very young age though.

But when will that happen? Until then, maybe some people would like the idea of gay school. I wouldn't tell people what schools they should or should not attend.
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I don't know much about how schools are run/funded but I think the deal with a public school is the word "public" meaning that everyone attends and that everyone has to pay for the public school with their taxes.

Because the public is paying for this school, I think deeming it a 'gay only' school is considered segregation in the eyes some. If it were a 'private' school then I think you could state that it was a specialised school or something like that (I could be wrong) and people wouldn't complain because their taxes aren't paying for it ( I think the only specialised schools that taxes help support are those that cater to actual handicaps and disabilities; again I could be wrong).

I think if they just made it a private school and got organizations like GLAD to help fund it, taxpayers would probably support it more.
lola having a learning disrder is a bit of a handicap that u have to deal with

being gay shouldnt be a handicap

and an other thing

i blame the church and christians they teach hate
i graduated from an opus dei school and im gay
now u can imagine how that was
and it was specially terrible because teachers and people who worked in the school were really homofobic
so what needs to happn is teaches and administrators respect gay people that way students wiil do it too
DanielGalindo said:
lola having a learning disrder is a bit of a handicap that u have to deal with

being gay shouldnt be a handicap

and an other thing

i blame the church and christians they teach hate
i graduated from an opus dei school and im gay
now u can imagine how that was
and it was specially terrible because teachers and people who worked in the school were really homofobic
so what needs to happn is teaches and administrators respect gay people that way students wiil do it too

I agree with what you said about being gay not being a handicap - so karma for that

However, I don't think all Christians are homophobic, I am one and I don't see gay people differently to others so I don't think you can blame the church and Christians :flower:
^ Yes, I agree that obviously not all christians/religeous people are homophobic but a good percentage can be. It's really unfortunate because in some churches children are taught at such a young age that being gay is a major sin. This ends up creating some of the prejudice seen in schools because some kids have been taught this since they were very young and it is almost considered part of their religeon. My friend is catholic and on some sundays the entire sermon is about gay marriage and how wrong it is. However this attitude isn't taken on by all christians and their churches and a lot of them can be very accepting. It's such a difficult issue when it comes to religeon. It's a shame more kids can't be taught more about diversity at a younger age because high school kids can be so cruel (espiecally in the smaller towns.)

I've seen so many of several of my friends deal with the issue of not being able to be themselves because of fear of humiliation. I know one kid who actually wanted to end his life becuase he believed that everyone would hate him if he came out and he was sick of living a lie. Some of the guys can make these kids' lives a living hell:angry:. So, until more kids can have a more open mind, I think this this school sounds like a nice option for those who have trouble with this issue. In the end school is about learning and unfortunatly for some kids learning is impossible with constant harrasment that can occur at some high schools. :(
Yeah but on the other hand having a gay school can be a target for hate crimes :angry:
I can already foresee the miserable, jock-tortured straight kid pretending he's gay for the chance to attend school in the benevolent, gay utopia, only to find out homosexual teenagers form their private island, Lord of the Flies nightmare land.

Gay Lord of the Flies. There's a television show in there, somewhere.
DanielGalindo said:
i blame the church and christians they teach hate
i graduated from an opus dei school and im gay
now u can imagine how that was
and it was specially terrible because teachers and people who worked in the school were really homofobic
so what needs to happn is teaches and administrators respect gay people that way students wiil do it too
I went to Catholic schools my whole life, Pre-K to 12th grade. I didnt know it was considered wrong to be gay until 8th grade, and by then I was already kissing other boys, so they were a little late to the game. Also I never went to church, they couldnt force me, I only went when I absolutely had to (mainly Graduation). Oh it was a big controversy that I didnt want to be Confirmed, it was such a huge deal, I felt like Madonna.

An all gay highschool? Im imagining P.E. class, I dont think H&M has enough legwarmer and headband sets...

NO. A publicly funded school should include everyone regardless of social status, gender, capability, sexual orientation, race, anything. We should start teaching kids that homophobia is completely unacceptable in the "advanced" society that we'd like to call America. If the parents dont like it, well, take little Johnny to a private school to keep him away from those pesky Homosexuals.

Also the word *** should be treated like any other slur, it's wholly unacceptable how it became part of the American mainstream. But I will say the world has progressed, in 1986 can you imagine a 13 year-old coming to grips with the fact that he is gay? Or transgendered? Hell, in 1996 it would be Headline News. I am lucky that I was born in 1987 and grew up in the years I grew up in, and I can say Ive never denied myself to anyone...and never will.

Also, the Right will see this as an attack on America's morals, your morals are dictated by the bible, which has no involvement with any state-funded activities. The Bible (and it's followers) are the one's who fostered Homophobia, so it has no place in any state-run program. Once again, if you dont like it, take your kids other places, but do realize if little Johnny starts calling people **** and beating people up because they are gay, his *** is gonna have some Zero-Tolerance enacted.

Small poll. Has anyone else seen that movie on LOGO about the Blue Pill that will cause you to become straight? If it existed, would you take it? I wouldnt.
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DanielGalindo said:
i blame the church and christians they teach hate
i graduated from an opus dei school and im gay
now u can imagine how that was
and it was specially terrible because teachers and people who worked in the school were really homofobic

i don't think we should blame the church and christians even i often have the same experience when listening their talk :(
about christian high schools i've never heard anything good but bad. i almost got accepted to one before, luckily just almost :lol: but this is another topic :blush:
as a straight person i think "We" are still not that grown up and intelligent enough to accept anybody and i'm afraid it stays an utopia forever
^ what's important to note here is that unlike the stereotypes, christians can be loving, accepting, christlike people, with no bias toward gays--and that gay kids can be just as horrible to one another as any other variety of teenager.
Diorling said:
in 1986 can you imagine a 13 year-old coming to grips with the fact that he is gay? Or transgendered?

Yes! I was there! I knew the boy who dressed in the majorette uniform and twirled his baton! I knew the butch lesbian, she was my only friend! And hell if I wasn't transgendered at 13, if not 6! Even then I knew that there was a genitalia that would get me preferential treatment. And it was about 1985 for me.

The only difference between then and now, I think, is that 13 year olds now know what "gay" and "transgendered" even mean. Or should mean, or ought to mean, or have been educated, defined, and sensitively trained into understanding. All's we knew then is that we were big freaks. Yes, we got beat up and picked on, but so did everybody who was "different". Now we'd be big, publically celebrated/denigrated freaks who are tearing the country apart or are showing its evil hypocrisy. Everyone knows or thinks they know what it means, in graphic sexual nuts and bolts terms, what it isa to be "gay".

Honestly, I think it's worse to be a gay teen now than then. Not everybody held you up as a symbol for whatever beast they wanted to raise up and sacrifice for the hungry masses as they do now.

Google Quentin Crisp, if you want the opinions of someone even older on this. Much love...
Thank you so much guys for keeping this topic clean and interesting. :flower:

On topic: what's so great about being straight anyway? Seems to me that most great guys are gay... :(
i keep blaming tyhe cristians and religius people
but u have to realize
its not because they think being gay is a sin
when was the last time some cristian worried about people being killed at war, they dont care about sin

at a catholic school other students told me gay people, as me, had diseases so we were to love away from them in oder for them to be healthy

the cristians see us as a threat they dont want gay comunity to have power, their power comes from fighting anything diferent to them
om sorry we were having a discusion on a gay school not what i have just mentioned

im sorry

i got carried away

i actually think gay school is a bad idea

but only time will tell maybe for now itll work
Cicciolina said:
I agree with what everyone has already said.

How is segregation going to help anything? When they leave school to go to the 'real world' it's certainly going to be more than a little different. This isn't doing anything to promote understanding and awareness, just points out they're different. It's not as if there are different schools for race, height, hair colour, etc, then why one for sexual preferences??
Because there are schools that exist today for Christians, African American private colleges, schools for all girls, schools for all boys....etc. etc. etc..... I'm not surprised by this.....It's not any different then having Chinese New Year, St. Patricks Day, Christmas, Hanakah,'s always there, and it's going to stay......there will always be something new that will be created....:flower:
I think should be a last resort for kids. Like I tried dealing with everyday life in a normal school, but I've harassed so much I can't take anymore kind of thing.

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