Wow...wierd show..not the best one ive seen, production crews needed to get their acts together (ie. celine dion)
SJP-can we say hello skirt!! really short..and tall heels, her trademark..still looked cute
Christina-she needed something between those two straps to hold her boobies together
Lil Kim- trashy as always
Madonna-pretty in pink but your right..the boots made her look short
Hilary Duff-the "bow" was up too high and made her look shorter than she already is
Alicia-i liked worked for her
Courtney Love- who let her out of jail??
Jennifer Love Hewitt- ummm..not enough fabric too much skin
Sarah McClaklin (i cant spell it) - too tight..made her hips/thighs look HUGE
Ms. White- nice and classy w/ vintige
Beyonce- which outfit to start with!?Red Carpet one was disgusting and w/ the hair..

the pink one was the best of them all, yet it was a lil short for what she was doing on stage! when your skirt is shorter and the camera men are BELOW you really shouldnt have a fan shot up your crotch and be shaking your thighs..mkay ;-)
and finally
John Mayer- STAND UP STRAIGHT! that bugged me all night! he was presenting and was all hunched over and he just needs to put his shoulders back and he'd be set!
Mary J. Blige- what were you thinkin with the yellow feathers..seeeeeasme street
that is all B)