i-D online
May 14, 2013
Straight Up: Harmony Boucher
Piczo shoots a series of straight ups exploring what ‘punk’ means today in spirit and style.
How old are you? 26 going on 14
Where do you live? London oh London.
Where are you from originally? I was born in South Australia but I moved to the UK when I was a wee child!
What does your bedroom look like? Messy on my side clean on nicole’s! At the moment we have really stressful planning things taped on the wall which freak me out when I wake up.
What do you get up to when you’re not modelling or playing with Vuvuvultures?
haha if only I had time to get up to! I help run our record label Energy Snake Records and put on parties with The Island.
How would you describe your style? Form over function. I’ve been getting back in to my baggy jeans and tracksuits though I think I’m reverting back to my teenage self which is slightly worrying. Just don’t let me go near dickies trousers again or any sense of style I appear to have vanishes!
Where do you go to have a good time? Well I try and fail at many places but I have the most fun at our gigs or The Island parties when I get to enjoy them rather than run around like a crazy person!
What does the term ‘punk’ mean to you? I wish it didn’t make me twitch. I feel like the word has become very misused and it should stand for something but it’s lost that.
What’s your religion? Born and raised Catholic but for now I dont believe in a man made church.
What message do you want to send to the world? I guess I always hope that for someone looking in to my life I can set a good example of believing in yourself and not waiting on others to make your dreams a reality. I’m not sure that’s a message so much as an example of a lifestyle.
What are you up to this weekend? Depends entirely on the the weather but I know for sure I’m going in to rehearsal with my band which I’m super excited to do

Getting practiced to head to Brazil which is gona be AMAZING