Harmony Boucher

Viveros for F-tape
Photographer Ollie Porter
Stylist Irene Manicone

The Underground Beat – Photographer Toby Knott captures British fashion model and musician Harmony Boucher for Hunger Magazine’s spring-summer 2013 issue. Dressed by stylist Way Perry in defiant denim, leather and fur; Harmony rocks the set. / Hair by Taiji, Makeup by Adam de Cruz

i-D online
May 14, 2013
Straight Up: Harmony Boucher

Piczo shoots a series of straight ups exploring what ‘punk’ means today in spirit and style.

How old are you? 26 going on 14

Where do you live? London oh London.

Where are you from originally? I was born in South Australia but I moved to the UK when I was a wee child!

What does your bedroom look like? Messy on my side clean on nicole’s! At the moment we have really stressful planning things taped on the wall which freak me out when I wake up.

What do you get up to when you’re not modelling or playing with Vuvuvultures?
haha if only I had time to get up to! I help run our record label Energy Snake Records and put on parties with The Island.

How would you describe your style? Form over function. I’ve been getting back in to my baggy jeans and tracksuits though I think I’m reverting back to my teenage self which is slightly worrying. Just don’t let me go near dickies trousers again or any sense of style I appear to have vanishes!

Where do you go to have a good time? Well I try and fail at many places but I have the most fun at our gigs or The Island parties when I get to enjoy them rather than run around like a crazy person!

What does the term ‘punk’ mean to you? I wish it didn’t make me twitch. I feel like the word has become very misused and it should stand for something but it’s lost that.

What’s your religion? Born and raised Catholic but for now I dont believe in a man made church.

What message do you want to send to the world? I guess I always hope that for someone looking in to my life I can set a good example of believing in yourself and not waiting on others to make your dreams a reality. I’m not sure that’s a message so much as an example of a lifestyle.

What are you up to this weekend? Depends entirely on the the weather but I know for sure I’m going in to rehearsal with my band which I’m super excited to do :) Getting practiced to head to Brazil which is gona be AMAZING :)


Name: Harmony Boucher
Agency: Models 1
Hometown: Adelaide
Nickname: Harmony

What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Fruit Juice – Snoop Lion

Name two songs you know all the lyrics to: Just the Two of Us – Will Smith + A Whole New World – Aladdin and Princess Jasmine

What is a band/movie/artist/cool thing you recommend? We are currently on your in Brazil and I highly recommend visiting if you are ever given the chance! It’s an AMAZING place :)

Photography by Anya Holdstock
Special thanks to Gemma Green @ Models 1.

Metal magazine S/S 2013
ph: Ronald Dick

Fashion Film: Harmony Boucher in ‘Cut Down’
July 18th, 2013
164 26

Vuvuvultures frontwoman and Models 1 girl Harmony Boucher gets a rather dramatic haircut in our new fashion film.

Most normal human beings wouldn’t be up for getting their head shaved, let alone on camera, but we guess Models 1 girl Harmony Boucher isn’t most people. The daughter of a rock musician and the frontwoman of the rather ferocious Vuvuvultures – you can listen to their most recent single, Safe Skin, here – Boucher comes from an illustrious line of rebellious models who dabble in rock’n'roll androgyny (Freja Beha, anyone?) and play fast and loose with the rules of beauty.

“Every few years I get an overwhelming need to start again!” Boucher told us, explaining her motivations behind the shoot. “Shaving my hair off has so far been the most effective way of cleansing both my soul and my ego.”

Take a look at the resulting video and shots, below.
Film: Joseph Wilson
Photography: Mario Benedetti
Stylist: Justine Josephs
Model: Harmony Boucher at Models 1 - See more at:

Ponystep S/S 2013
Photographed by Stefan Zschernitz

Amica October 2013
Photographer: Jean-Francois Campos
Fashion Editor/Stylist: Sarah Cobb
Hair Stylist: Dennis Gots
Hair Colorist: Sarah Spratt
Manicurist: Ana-Maria
Model: Harmony Boucher

Better quality "Neo Chic" for Amica October 2013

Photographer: Jean-Francois Campos
Fashion Editor/Stylist: Sarah Cobb
Hair Stylist: Dennis Gots
Hair Colorist: Sarah Spratt
Manicurist: Ana-Maria

Model: Harmony Boucher

Source: Visual Optimism (visualoptimism.blogspot.com)

"Into The Darkness" for Elle UK December 2013

Photographer: Thomas Whiteside
Fashion: Joanna Blades
Hair: Marki Shkreli
Make-up: Stevie Huynh
Manicure: Roseann Singleton

Model: Harmony Boucher

Source: Visual Optimism (visualoptimism.blogspot.com)

Schön Magazine October 2013
The Runaways
Mark Shearwood (Photographer)
Coline Bach (Fashion Editor/Stylist)
Thom Walker (Makeup Artist)

Now with Elite London


facebook /Jakub Koziel Photography
Wonderland Feb/March 2014
Tory Burch
Joost Vandebrug (Photographer)
Francesca Turner (Fashion Editor/Stylist)
Oliver De Almeida (Hair Stylist)
Riona O'sullivan (Makeup Artist)
Ros Okusanya (Casting Director)
Ami Streets (Manicurist)
Seona Taylor Bell (Producer)

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