I'm not majoring in fashion in particular, but I am a finance major and what we learned about online business is it's best to start locally. Don't start a web based business hoping to be world wide immediately. Where you're basing out of should be seen as your target area and market
It depends. You can IMMEDIATELY start profiting from selling bags worldwide . Just look at any new international vendor at Etsy or eBay. Few of them are big retailers, but most of them are either small business owners or individuals (i.e. designers).
Anyhow, it's always recommended to small (or even medium) sized-business (or individuals) to go after a NICHE market and DIFFERENTIATE from competitors through unique selling propositions (i.e. superb customer service), either global (or regional) and/or local.
Here two examples of these two last approaches mentioned:
Women, ages 20 to 24, with similar socio-economical status, education, lifestyle and/or attitudes towards a particular fashion, looking to buy online for leather belts with gothic motifs. Read about the Long Tail theory to get more inspiration about going global, regional.
Women, living in London, ages 20 to 24, with similar socio-economical status, education, lifestyle and/or attitudes towards fashion, looking to buy online bags to accessorise theirselves for job interviews in London City.
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