I have design ideas for apparel for ladies 35 plus that I wish to introduce to the shopping channels, who already recieved the outline for the line, but am no illustrator and so if you can put my ideas for my firm to sell to them and other venues, I will give you a percentage of the first 2500 sold of each piece and the outfits are multiple pieces to be a lounging and evening outfit with 11 -14 matching pieces and accessories. You will get free items as soon as they have begun to sell and free skin care items as well as they begin to sell. You will be asked to sign a non-circumvention agreement

I have design ideas for apparel for ladies 35 plus that I wish to introduce to the shopping channels, who already recieved the outline for the line, but am no illustrator and so if you can put my ideas for my firm to sell to them and other venues, I will give you a percentage of the first 2500 sold of each piece and the outfits are multiple pieces to be a lounging and evening outfit with 11 -14 matching pieces and accessories. You will get free items as soon as they have begun to sell and free skin care items as well as they begin to sell. You will be asked to sign a non-circumvention agreement