"Individualism" and the Creation of Trends

Lena said:
trends -unlike personal style- are not created by individuals, its a whole. long, global industry process...

Lena said:
esthetic trends are always related to consuming trends and politics, nothing comes out of thin air, its all inerrelated, hence non working on a strictly personal level , its a synergy

Yes Lena... it's never the individual or subject. It's a collaborative body of thoughts and ideas, an assemblage of multple parts ... ideas, thoughts, movements, lines, shapes, colours, materiality, aesthetics, politics, sociology, philosophy, art, literature, architecture, sexual, gender, racial and social issues, nature, technology etc ... that connects to create a becoming .. a becoming of a trend ...

and Mirrra thank you for the interesting link ...
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i agree with most of you about trends.. they are pretty much created for us cosumers and then we follow them cause it is the "cool" thing to do to fit in etc.

i also hate it when i wear something way before it is even a "trend" and then everyone starts wearing the same thing like a year later. for example i bought a pair of blue leather vintage boots 6 months ago. now i see similar boot shapes and blue leather everywhere. same with the lumber jack shirts.. argh.. oh well. i guess my style becomes acceptable and i dont get as many weird looks. but why do i feel like i lost my individuality..? :D

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