Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
she shows up everywhere with this "do you know who my parents are" energy and no effort whatsoever.
Her mom is not a film legend, and she's only famous in France.No matter what any of us say or think; she's born of a legacy that puts her ahead of the race.
Her Mom is a film legend and honorary Chanel girl, her Dad is beyond iconic in film too. It's just laid out for her, pre-destined.
Part of her appeal is that she doesn't need to try like other girls do. That f*ck you attitude is kinda chic.
You know they love that in fashion, every once in a while. That careless energy.
Other girls try pretty hard, like Amelia Gray as a go-to example. Lily can just show up.
And with those cheek bones? Come on! Stay mad. You can't hate this. It's good.