Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal leaving a medical center in Beverly Hills - March 18

dear sweet lord of all things holy ... PLEASE JAKE HIRE A STYLIST!! i'll do it! FOR FREE!! you just gotta let me live with you and sleep, eat & bathe with you... :evil:
lol. certainly not in terms of his style. haha. but as for the doing-the-dudes bit ... yep! wasn't so bad. :D

i'm quite serious though, about his needing a stylist. i mean - Hollywood wonders why they haven't got anymore genuine Moviestars --- well take a frigging LOOK! a Moviestar is meant to be a celebrity who lives this glamourous, incredible life that all us normal folk wish we could have. it allows for people to have nice escapism from their own worries and problems, by projecting their own lives onto these stars. there has to be a bit of mystery, a bit of allure and at least a touch of glamour!

all these candids of Jake or Ryan Phillippe or Ben Affleck or Leo DiCaprio or whomever --- they're just so blah. so pedestrian. they've allowed for the celebrity weeklies to print a constant stream of "Stars: they're just like US" effectively destroying that bit of grandeur that was always special about Moviestars.

gah. i'm ranting.
and WHY is Clooney the exception? BECAUSE HE'S GLAMOUROUS!!!!! and mysterious! he's a genius with the way that he is so "open" with the media. only the bits he'd like us to know --- Italian villa, bbq's on Sundays, dating hot women, friends with Brad Pitt, etc.

everyone wants to either BE clooney or be WITH him. even the guys. they'd love to be his friend.

Jake just isn't as clever with the press. or he doesn't care enough. and i think that's perhaps part of it as well. there used to be a distinction between MOVIESTARS and ACTORS, in the sense that someone who was a Moviestar related to the audience directly through their films -- someone went to see a Julia Roberts movie, because they wanted to see Julia Roberts. she effectively played herself in each movie and made millions. she was the biggest female Moviestar in the world. Or Tom Hanks. Yes, he's an excellent actor -- but ultimately there is something in common between literally every one of his characters: they're always the one you are rooting for. even when he plays against type and plays a villain, it's still the villain who you are rooting for. SO, the public connects Tom Hanks with all the guys that they wanna see win. he's the Good Guy. the one they all like. and don't think for a second that this isn't an image that hasn't been cultivated with great care. same with Cary Grant, Marilyn Monroe, Will Smith, etc etc. Moviestars. Actors were the ones who played all the gutsy roles and who, even if they were still famous (Sean Penn, Robert DeNiro) -- there was part of their allure that was of the "artist", and it didn't have the same effect on the public. they were fascinating, sure, but not in the same "wish i were them" way.

this whole thing has changed. and it's because of twats like Paris, Nicole, Lindsay, Mischa, etc that entire crew. they've tried to capitalize on the idea of celebrity itself, so now it is a notion that has become ridiculed. the Moviestars have been replaced by tabloid fixtures.

proof? look at the successful films of the past couple of years. the MOST successful, in terms of box office --- and then the most critically acclaimed. how many had genuine moviestars in them? exactly.

the whole crew of young Hollywood trainwrecks has irreparably tarnished the idea of what it means to be famous and have destroyed any glamourous allure that used to be associated with it. that affects the actors who were the actual MOVIESTARS -- because now it seems their space has been replaced. people don't go to the movies to see their favourite star anymore -- they're already oversaturated with celebrities in the magazines. people go to movies only to see huge event movies, "Transformers", "Shrek", "Spiderman", etc. or to see the indie films that are critically acclaimed, "Juno", "No Country For Old Men", etc. the place of the star-driven film is gone, and thus the place of the STAR is gone.

my POINT in all of this rambling --- is that what Jake represented was a potential return of a moviestar. he could've been it. but he's evidently not up to doing it. whomever will be the next moviestar is going to have to play the game as well as Clooney .. or Tom Cruise (pre-split with CAA and all the couch-jumping madness) ... or Tom Hanks ... or Will Smith.

Scarlett Johannson does a pretty good job of keeping herself OUT of the press altogether. the only time we see pictures of her is if she's at a premiere, doing some other promotional thing, or at a glamourous party of some sort. so the only images we see of her life are those that resemble what it used to look like to be a moviestar. THIS is what separates her from the rest of the pile.
ok. just realizing that this isn't the thread for all that rambling. please don't delete my post though, cause i'll never take the bloody time to write it again. LOL. if some mod could let me know where it would most likely belong - i'll just copy and paste it to that forum and start a new thread: "The End of the Moviestar?"

ETA: nevermind -- i just put it in one of the other forums.
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lol. certainly not in terms of his style. haha. but as for the doing-the-dudes bit ... yep! wasn't so bad. :D

i'm quite serious though, about his needing a stylist. i mean - Hollywood wonders why they haven't got anymore genuine Moviestars --- well take a frigging LOOK! a Moviestar is meant to be a celebrity who lives this glamourous, incredible life that all us normal folk wish we could have. it allows for people to have nice escapism from their own worries and problems, by projecting their own lives onto these stars. there has to be a bit of mystery, a bit of allure and at least a touch of glamour!

all these candids of Jake or Ryan Phillippe or Ben Affleck or Leo DiCaprio or whomever --- they're just so blah. so pedestrian. they've allowed for the celebrity weeklies to print a constant stream of "Stars: they're just like US" effectively destroying that bit of grandeur that was always special about Moviestars.

gah. i'm ranting.

:lol: too cute with your ranting, honey ;):kiss:
Agree with Happycanadian,Jake doesn't have a great style,and doesn't look like he's trying to hard either..
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^his style is geared towards comfort more than anything...he's clearly not stylish in the least but he exudes a certain sexiness...the laidback, carefree attitude which is highly appealing :wub::crush:
Jake Gyllenhaal - Michael Thompson Photoshoot 2005 - celebutopia.


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