Jake Gyllenhaal

I watched Donnie Darko last night again and realised that Jake is the most beautiful man on the planet (well one of them).
That Sesame Street clip makes me grin like the Chesire cat. Too cute!
I just found some really cute recent pics here but there are too many and I don't have time to thumbnail them all
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I just copied these thumbnails from Maggie's thread.
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Spotted Jake in the Old Port of Montreal, QC yesterday afternoon dressed in black and his wayfarers looking so gorgeous :blush:
it was cool, cause it was so low key, he was with a woman and another guy his age. Apparently he's been at this bakery/lunch spot, Olive and Gourmando, nearly every day since he's been here and i just happened to be there and saw him outside as i was leaving. i gotta admit it was pretty cool and Montreal is so awesome cause there were no paparazzi and no one was bothering him, i'm not even sure anyone else was noticing he was there, so he was able to just walk around casually, like anyone else.
Jakey On GQ


It really doesn't bother me that Jakey Gyllenhaal looks like a delicately oven roasted chicken lollipop in granpappy's Easter suit on the cover of GQ. But it does bother me that they oh-so-carefully placed his tie OVER his special bubble boy area. Coc* blocking is offensive in any form.

Anybigheadonlittlebody, Jakey talks to GQ (via HuffPo) about everything from Heath Ledger's death to life without a beard to play Mall Madness with in the middle of the night.

Jakey on Heath's death: "I don't really like talking about it. That period of time was...it was difficult. He was very sensitive. He didn't always have a sense of performance in his everyday life. He knew who he was. I think actors very often, they know how to present something, and that's part of their job. I think he was just really sensitive. We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together. Even when we did Brokeback and stuff, it was like my work was the only thing that mattered to me. It was like I could only understand or define myself through doing that. Life, I didn't totally understand. And I think I was afraid of life. And I had success in my work, enough success that you could keep going back there. But after that happened...I think I recognized that it was work. And I recognized that this is for real."

Jakey on being single: "It's...it's okay.... It goes in either direction. I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.... Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is? The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don't know. Particularly right now in my life."

Every man has to find the right woman and vice versa?! Fuc* me in the throat with a Reese Witherspoon romcom. If by the "right woman," Jakey personally means the perfect lady friend who will tell you to brush your teeth because your breath smells like old jizz or who will throw a cocktail in the face of the fuc* buddy who did you wrong, then I'm right there with him. Every straight man needs a straight woman just as much as every fruit needs a fly.

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Thanks for the shout out girl & am I dreamin or your combinin adorable with a dork ?!!!:rofl:

You do not dream, with other friends we used to said that about him. Coz he's adorable and a little bit a dork (in a good way). :D

And btw sorry for my bad english.
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Glamour Russia May 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal by Henry Leutwyler
via journal plaza
Jake Gyllenhaal signs autographs and poses with fans after arriving back at Claridges Hotel in London on Thursday (May 6). The 29-year-old actor had come from a press junket for his upcoming film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which will premiere on Sunday in the UK.

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