you're so naïve... or maybe this is me?? being ironic is sometimes really boring... and this IS boring...the cover looks like maybe it is making fun of her
exactly. she is insignificant and means nothing to fashion.Who knows Cory Kennedy?
Why do we need to know her? And why exactly does she deserve a magazine cover?
you need a fanclub, berlin.. pronto!.+ I hate the fact they try to cover US or UK people and hype, instead of covering Europe (in general) and esp. France... Sometimes I think about a mix btw TeenVogue, Glamour France and Muteen (another Jalou ed. production...)
They are now more on the 16-20 yrs girls than on the 25-35yrs old women...
Who cares about Cory in France??????? Who cares about Mischa in France????? noone except 15yrs old girls who listens secretly Tokyo Hotel while buying Chloé bags with daddy card on internet...
I'm still confused on who this chick is.