Jan 06, 2015 2:58PM
Meet The Model: Jamilla @ Women Management Paris
Her friends liken her to Sid from 'Ice Age'.
19-year-old Dutch beauty Jamilla Hoogenboom is fresher than fresh. She quit fashion school because she found that the people kind of sucked and instead is learning on the job — the modelling job. Her friends liken her to Sid from Ice Age, and that's a compliment in our books. Get to know her below!
Name: Jamilla Hoogenboom
Nickname: Jamil
Where are you from and where are you currently living?
I'm from The Netherlands and I live in a village near to the city The Hague, which is called Wassenaar.
What were you into in high school?
I really liked the art classes in high school! I love to be busy with my hands and I'm very creative.
In what ways have you changed since then?
After high school I was studying Fashion Design but I didn't like the people and the school so I quit. I don't know yet which study I want to do… So I'm doing full time modelling and I'm learning a lot from this!!
What did you do for your last birthday?
I didn't do any organising for my birthday because my friends organised a surprise party for me! That was really nice and sweet.
If you could choose to stay a certain age forever what would it be?
I don't want to stay a certain age forever! Always the same thing… I want to experience every year and grow old with the one I love.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
I think I will choose a tame little monkey! They are very smart and also cute.
What scares you most?
A scary clown scares me the most.
Best piece of advice you ever received?
"Don't be anything less than everything you can be."
What is a skill you wish you possessed?
I would like to fly. You can go anywhere you like and you have a lot of freedom. Also the skill of being invisible seems very useful!
What fictional character to you most relate to, and why?
I don't know but many of my friends compare me with Sid from Ice Age because of his goofy looks and behaviour.
What celebrity do you have a crush on?
I never had a crush on a celebrity…
Which three people (dead or alive) would be your dream party guests?
I don't know who I have to choose but my friends are my dream party guests for sure!!
Do you prefer crowds, small groups or being alone?
Both, sometimes I want to be alone and other times I want to be among the people!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A proud mother of two kids living together with my boyfriend in a nice cozy house.
Can you send us a selfie?
Photography: Maxwell Clements
Model: Jamilla @ Women Management Paris
All clothes model's own.
Emily Royal