WHAT was it about Jean Shrimpton that caught David Bailey's photographic eye?
"What attracted me to her was that she genuinely didn't care how she looked. She honestly never understood what all the fuss was about. That was very attractive to me," says Bailey, whose selling exhibition comes to Bonhams this weekend,
"She had the same democratic beauty that Kate Moss has today. She didn't scare people away in the way that someone like Christie Turlington might. She was one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen."
It was one day on a Vogue shoot that he first spotted Shrimpton working with Brian Duffy in one of the other studios.
"I looked in and I thought she was stunning and I said to Duffy, 'Who's that fantastic girl?' and he told me she was just someone an agency had sent round to do a Kellogg's advertisement," Bailey tells today's Times 2, noting, "I thought she was completely beautiful" and went on to book her for some modelling jobs.