Hair JOHN MULLAN at Nude Agency for Stone Hair
Model JOE COLLIER (FM Models)
Hi Joe, how long have you been modeling?
About a year a half now.
How are you finding life as a model?
Good yeah, I’m getting used to it now, been doing it for what feels like a long time. even though it hasn’t been that long. The traveling, going to different places, meeting different people, yeah I’m really enjoying it.
Who did you walk for this season?
Wow I’m gonna forget this... in London I did Rag&Bone, you should have asked me to write these down before hand... (It's ok we have to help us) John Smedly, Hacket and James Long who gave me these trainers by the way.
Oh really, they are lovely!
I love em, so nice.... In Milan I did Prada, John Bravatos, Fendi, Ferrigamo, Ermano Satgado, Etro and .... I did seven how many is that?
Wow that’s a lot. So what else have you been doing recently?
I just did the Uniclo campaign, and did a job for Calvin Klein out in Miami that was pretty cool. Editorials wise I did Vogue Hommes Japan, Korean GQ about two months ago, then yeah in Paris I did Louis Vuitton, Philip Lim, and Tom Brown.
So other than modeling what are you interested in?
I’m a golfer.
Oh really - my family are golf nuts.
I love golf, it’s my passion. As daft as that sounds, I love golf... and Manchester City and music as well. I play the guitar.
Who’s your favorite golfer?
Tiger Woods, he’s my idol. Always have been, always will be. I don’t care what he does, and he’s gonna win the open this week with a bit of luck. I got my fingers crossed for him.
Could you describe yourself in three words?
Lets see... I don’t know... meet me and find out. If you wanna come and find out about the real me, come and meet me.
When have you been the most satisfied in your life?
Either helping people out who I love, like my family and stuff. Like bringing them stuff back from trips, nice presents or just helping them out in general. Or winning a golf competition actually, it was a pretty tough one, and I won it so I knew that was down to hard work and that’s pretty rewarding.
If you weren’t a model, would you be a golfer?
Well, if I was a pro golfer I wouldn’t be modeling. I would rather be a Golfer, but with the backing and everything, and I had to work straight out of school at 16. So I couldn’t dedicate all my time, but I would have tried. But I like doing this, I like modeling and I can always go back to it.
If you met yourself at a party, do you reckon you would get on?
If I was myself as well? We’d be best mates. Definetly. Definetly.
What is your biggest fear?
Being lonely, just having no mates or being on your own. I always have to be around people. I need friends and company.
If you had to take advice from one person that you know for the rest of your life, who would it be?
My Granddad.
Is he a wise old man?
No, he’s just my idol. He brought me up, so I took advice off him so far and it has put me in pretty good stead, so I wouldn’t change that.
If you were King for a day, what would be your first action?
King of England?
Yes, Joe the King of England.
Cheaper rail. Cheaper train tickets, cause I spend a lot of money on the trains. I’m not happy about it. Nahh I’d just help everybody out, give everyone a fair chance, but if you don’t wanna help yourself after that than its your choice isn’t it. Give everyone the same opportunities.
If you were a Disney character, which one do you think you would be?
Wow, I’ve never been asked that. I was gonna say Bugs Bunny, but he’s not a Disney character so I’m gonna say the Tazmanian Devil, because he’s like a mad head, a mad man.
Comes everywhere in a cloud of smoke..
In fact - he’s not even a Disney character is he.
No, but I didn’t want to say because you tried so hard.
haha .... so Disney characters. Well I’d probably just say Mickey Mouse, because I obviously don’t know many do I?
haha So what is the favorite show you’ve ever walked in?
Um probably Ermanno Scervino because it was my first one, first ever job actually. Flew out to Milan and it was my first ever casting, first ever job. Yeah, it was just weird to walk in a fashion show and it was just an experience. Like after the first one you sort of get used to it and no matter how weird it gets you still know what to do, but the first one its ... the first time you do something it’s pretty special isn’t it. So it was good yeah!
Do you have any life advice for the Boys by Girls readers?
Just be friendly. Kindness repays itself. That's that.
Oh I forgot to ask you .. You’ve been living in New York recently, how are you finding it?
I love it. I love New York. I love the people, just everything about it. The weather’s better over there that helps ... A lot.
Not at the moment surely (we point to the glorious sunshine).
Nah Nah it is. It’s red hot in New York at the minute. Red Hot. Too Hot. Yeah, I like living there and that but it’s not got Manchester City. I can’t go watch Manchester City with my friends and family, so that's the only downers, but apart from that I really enjoy it.
Thank you Joe for all the advice, maybe you can teach us how to golf someday or maybe we’ll meet again somewhere in the outback.
Words by Annie Ounstead.