Julia Stegner

hey julia lovers. does anyone have pics that show off her body well? i'm showing a couple of people that she's got a fab one.
Do you mean this one? Vogue Paris 2004.
edit. oh, sorry.. you said it was backstage pic :doh:
Vogue Paris October 2004

a) don't say sorry! thanks so much for posting that (karma if I have any) :flower:

b) It was an editorial photo, color, very natural, beautiful- Daria & Julia. Might have been heavily airbrushed.

& to Julz, haha- what picture doesn't her body look amazing in? But joking aside, how about these?


http://www.herfamedgoodlooks.com/hfgl/Julia Stegner/editorials/pages/vogue12.htm

Yeh, it sounds like the Pirelli one? That's not with Daria though.. Haha, it's a mystery!
shes featured in Aus vogue =)) only a small section thoguh its on models beauty secret BUT she ahs the biggestt section =))
I think julia has worked a lot still..I mean we're jsut used to seeing her plastered all over the place in 2005 etcc buht julia still works quite a bit and her s/s 07 campaign season certainly wasnt badd .. shes had 11+ editorials this year =))
also is she still doing the rolex campaign ?? because in this months australia vogue shes doing their ads =)) omgg she looks gorgeouss ..
a) don't say sorry! thanks so much for posting that (karma if I have any) :flower:

b) It was an editorial photo, color, very natural, beautiful- Daria & Julia. Might have been heavily airbrushed.

& to Julz, haha- what picture doesn't her body look amazing in? But joking aside, how about these?


http://www.herfamedgoodlooks.com/hfgl/Julia Stegner/editorials/pages/vogue12.htm

gorgeouss:heart::heart:I'm going to scan her stuff fro AUstralian vogue now :woot::heart:^_^
if you mean vogue aus I jsut meant her rolex ad lol and her "picture"(reprint from vogue nippon ) with her beautyy quote =))
grr too bad I cant downlaod it -_-' oh well I'm sure it'll end up on youtube or sumfinks thanks heaps =)
oh =) what about her rolex ad?? Is that new? its in the latest vogue australia I think its new..

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