Katherine Heigl of Grey's Anatomy launches clothing line of medical scrubs!

Are those arms attached to the scrubs? Tacky, not to mention often impractical. I can't imagine any medical professionals I know wanting to wear scrubs designed or "inspired" by someone on Grey's Anatomy. Not to mention they'll probably be twice the price and a hospital is one place it doesn't matter who designed your clothes because they'll probaby get dirty within the hour.
-_- with all the problems in the health care industry, the last thing they need is fashion advice.
^ Good point!

Maybe she is also aiming her 'line' at fans of the show? :lol: How hilarious would it be though to see people at the mall/cafe wearing her scrubs :lol:
That's kind of funny being that, if you scrub into the OR, you CANNOT wear long sleeve shirts under your scrubs.

really you can't? I've seen it done before on like the ped floor, private medical imaging places etc
^ Do the interns on Grey's scrub in to the OR with their long sleeve shirts on underneath their scrubs? Or do they take them off? I honestly can't remember! I'll have to pay more attention when I watch today :lol:
Well quite frankly if i was a nurse, i'd want more options. Just because you're doing a job that requires practical functional clothing doesn't mean you want to wear something with pictures of cats, dogs and teddybears on it. I think the item posted is kind of cute, though redundant because as someone said, you could just wear a l/s shirt under your regular scrubs.
This seriously gave me a much needed laugh. :lol: What next? Jennifer Love Hewitt designs a home kit for busting ghosts? Sarah Michelle Gellar sells her own brand of garlic for warding off vampires?


In all seriousness, this is actually a really good idea.

My mom's a nurse and would probably buy this stuff. Scrubs aren't the most fashionable garments in the world and I'm sure nurses want to look fashionable too. :innocent:
i'm an oncology RN and i'm a bit curious. there really isn't much out there in terms of comfort and style for us. working long 12 hour shifts, i would have to pick comfort first over style, but it would be great to have both. the only decent scrubs are urbane scrubs. it's really the only scrubs i wear, so i would like to have options. http://www.urbanescrubs.com/
that said... i would NOT wear the scrub top w/ the long sleeve shirt attached to it. i think, it's kind of funny that Katherine is used to sell scrubs though.
^ Do you have to wash your own scrubs?

yes, i wash my own scrubs. if you wear hospital scrubs (the surgical ones) then the hospital washes it. i don't wear them because they are unisex and even the XS are huge on me.
^ I thought the hospital might wash their own scrubs for you. It's a shame they can't wash the ones you buy :( They must get super dirty sometimes!

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