Leonardo DiCaprio

LOL that's genius, thank you! I'm so excited/nervous for him. I know he's not the only actor the Academy has been unfair to. The Academy has been unfair to loads of people, we all know that. But I love this worldwide DiCaprio mobilization and I think he's a fantastic actor.

About The Revenant, although technically impressive, I found it a bit "too much", leaning towards the superhero side (much better than Marvel though lol), and I do have to say it was not necessarily Leo's best acting moment. I mean, of course he's great in the movie, but there were other films that demanded much more of him in this aspect, even though he suffered less phisically to do them. But I also recognize it is a good moment for the Academy to "redeem" itself with Leo (and with all of us -_-), because the movie has enough quality and relevance to be his "Oscar film" (as opposed to the Gatsby tragedy for example).
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:lol: people are going nuts over his nomination... I agree with Ana, I too found The Revenant to be way too much, I didn't walk out of it only because I thought I was going to faint on someone's lap on my way out! :mellow:.. Leo's acting is very technical too, super polished, and maybe too perfect.. it's good but I'm just immune to his approach I guess. I watch his movies whenever I can though, I like the whole 'big Hollywood production' experience.

If he wins, and I really hope he does just to end with all the jokes, I'll take it as a long overdue for Romeo+Juliet. :lol:
i am really happy for leo.
and especially his speech.
he really really cares.
go look at his twitter feed.
it's all about the planet.
i admire how passionate he is about it
because i am right there with him
well done!! :D
i just awake here in germany - so happy for Leo!
my congrats he derserves it !

but much more i will give him an award for his dynamism and work to save our planet :heart: - you speak out of the bottom of my heart - please keep on going straight on! THANK YOU LEO :flower:
thank you so much MaryLisbon for the vid-update for me in the early morning
i just awake here in germany and cant watch it live on TV -

i have tears in my eyes - :king:
I'm glad he won, it was overdue and he fits the bill for such award, he nailed that speech...
So happy he won, well deserved award and great speech. And of course he looked great! :)
I had tears in my eyes when he won! (Well I had a t-shirt on saying "GO LEO" actually :lol:). His face looking at everyone applauding him...:wub:

People are going to gather at one of my city's parks to celebrate Leo's Oscar next weekend. I just love how out of hand this has gotten. :lol:
I might fall gullible to his deep-care for the environment, if he didn't fly on private jets and yachts the size of small towns wasting fuel on the regular.

I'm happy he's won, because he is overdue, but honestly I thought Tom Hardy was better in The Revenant...
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio attends a press conference of new movie 'The Revenant' on March 20, 2016 in Beijing, China.

Leonardo DiCaprio attends the press conference for 'The Revenant' at the Ritz Carlton on March 23, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan.


Actor/activist Leonardo DiCaprio speaks during the Paris Agreement For Climate Change Signing at United Nations on April 22, 2016 in New York City.

Leo's facial expression @ 215 during his speach is one of a kind. Never saw this before. I feel so much sinserity and earnestness.:heart:

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