Liu Wen


source: disgrasian​
She look stunning in VSFS ! But I simply can't get over how weird looking she was at the finale in that outfit from Star Trooper! >.<
I think I'm the only one who likes the outfit and thought that she rocked it! :lol:
Btw on her blog she wrote something about being in the VSFS! Can someone translate it?
^ And you're not alone! Her + Edita is... :heart: heaven. Really would like to see both of them in some ed.
Gorgeous pic with Edita:crush: Thanks WerbowyStegner:flower::winkiss:
Also she moved up something like 20 places to No24 at MDC Top 50:woot:
Maybe they know something we don't.:shifty:
:woot: So happy to see Liu move up to No.24 at!

I'd like to do a brief brief translation of her VSFS artical on her blog. Sorry I'm in a hurry so I can just do a very brief summary.:doh:
She said she felt like she's a "dangerous" angel at the show compared with other sexy, sweet girls because of her "dangerous" outfit. That outfit was made of steel and was very heavy plus has four sharp angles. So she felt a bit stressed when she was at backstage and even on stage because she's worried that she might hurt others. She said she felt she was a future warrior at the show with two wings from an iron plane...:rofl:
Next are those backstage pictures and she was amazed at all the things about the show.
At last she mentioned Daul Kim and talked about their acquaintanceship a little bit. And may her rest in peace.

Sorry for the bad translation but anyway her blog is so much fun! I love her personality and I hope she will do a better job in the future!
Love you Liu Wen! 蚊子姐继续加油啊!:heart:
^yay! AWWW thank you and karma to both starry and minus1! :heart:
starry do you know how to comment on her blog? :(
You can click the title of any articles and it will direct you to the full one then you can leave your comment at the bottom of the page.
Tip: click that small box in the right of the comment area then you can leave your comment anonymously otherwise you have to log in the website.

Hope it can work for you!:flower:
I did that but how come my comments don't show? :l I'll comment , it'll show and then I come back to the blog and the comment is gone : l .. does the comments need moderation? Where did the comments go .. ;l Thanks a lot starry :)
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More from this interview from modelinia @ #1770 :

Here’s a few more tidbits about Liu: Right now she’s all about Lady Gaga. “Gaga Gaga Gaga!” she said. “Everyone thinks the McQueen clothes are crazy, but I think they’re amazing. The shoes are very uncomfortable, but as a model you need to look like they’re comfortable.”
She’s all about scary movies, loves Hanne Gaby Odiele’s style, and is contemplating her future careers. “I want to try acting maybe!”

Isn't she just cute? :heart: I bolded my favourite part :p

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