Lizelot Rippen

Yah I'm going to second the wow-factor for that editorial. Lizelot in the magenta tights, Jil Sander shoes and YSL vest...:shock:

Send her to Jil Sander immediately!
Amazing! Please let this be a sign that she will be doing some major things this season!
she is in a dutch fashion magazine.
scanned by me


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^Amazing. :heart: I'm certainly becoming a big fan of how Lizelot photographs, especially the first and third ones that you scanned. There's a stoic intensity behind her stare that I find incredibly engaging.

Thanks for the scans PUKKU! :flower: has a short bio on Lizelot because she was the February covergirl. Here's the bio with my rough translation aided by google :ninja:

Lizelot Rippen, olandese, ha 15 anni e vive a Breda con i genitori e la sorella. Ha incominciato per caso lo scorso dicembre: era in giro a fare shopping con gli amici e lo scout di un'agenzia di modelle le ha proposto di fare un provino. Frequenta il liceo e considera questo lavoro, per il momento, solo un hobby. Nel tempo libero esce con gli amici o gioca a hockey, per tenersi in forma, «anche se credo che la cosa più importante sia mangiare sano e dormire molto». Si veste in modo semplice e sportivo: jeans e t-shirt e stivali o All stars. Sogna di andare alle Hawaii o in Africa e la sua vacanza del cuore è stata, lo scorso anno, in Texas: «Paesaggi da favola e gente meravigliosa». I preferiti. Film: The notebook. Cibo: insalata con pollo e pomodoro. Accessori: una borsa extra large e le cinture. Nel beauty, solo mascara e burro di cacao. Fabiola Ballarini

Lizelot Rippen, Dutch, is 15 years old and lives in Breda with her parents and sister. She began by chance last December: she was out shopping with friends and the scout from a modeling agency proposed she give it a try. She attends high school and considers modeling, for the moment, only a hobby. In her spare time, she goes out with friends or plays hockey, to keep in shape, "although I think the most important thing is to eat healthy and sleep alot." She dresses in a simple and sporty manner: jeans and t-shirts and boots or All stars. She dreams of going to Hawaii or in Africa and her vacation of the heart (?) was, last year, in Texas: "Fabulous landscapes and wonderful people." Her favourites. Film: The Notebook. Food: Salad with chicken and tomatoes. Accessories: an extra large bag and belts. In beauty, only mascara and cocoa butter. Fabiola Ballarini
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LOVE her! :heart:
She reminds me of a brown eyed eugenia with a more refined nose!
And she looks great in that native american ed!

I hope she'll do some major shows this season but I really don't think so...:unsure:
which is a shame because she has so much potential.
She's not even signed with someone in NY..I think
she's doing shows this week at 080 barcelona fashion week
I'll post some pictures later
She reminds me a bit Eugenia Volodina. I would like to see more from her...

Ladies & Gentleman | November 2009

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