Lykke Li

I :heart: Lykke Li...when I want to listen to something quiet and calming I put her album, she has a really sweet voice and her music its very interesting!
I'm so excited! :woot: I'm going to be seeing her for my 2nd time on August 28th in NYC. :heart: Anyone else going to that show?
this is the first song of hers I don't like, the children choir reminds me too much of Justice's D.A.N.C.E ...
i actually really really like the video. the clothes are fabulous & i think it shows a different (dare i say) sexier side to lykke. love it! ^_^
"Breaking it Up" is one of my very favorite songs of hers. :heart:
I just got her album off of iTunes. This girl is AMAZING!

I love every single song. The last one is okay, but it's not as good as the others.

It's hard to pick a favorite.
she is amazing! just got back from a show of hers last night.

all dressed in black with loads & loads of chains around her neck :wub:
she's on a new kanye west song with santogold, this could be huge for her. hopefully going to see her play in feb!
I bought tickets today to see her at the Music Hall of Williamsburg on 2/3! :heart: This will be my 2nd time seeing her. So excited!
her music is good

but she was kind of "the thing of last year" really

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