Make a Random List About Anything You Want

Reasons why I don't eat meat

* i like animals
*i can't stand the fact that these animals have to be killed so i could eat them
*i don't like the taste of meat
*i'm afraid i would get sick if i ever do it again
*i don't want to give up , i've been a vegetarian for a long time now
Questions I do when I don´t understand life or something stupid:
- Why do people like Britney Spear are a millionaire and celebs if they´re not even special or important to the world?!
- Why in the movies love is always perfect and endless?!
- Why in the books and movies always exist perfect men?!If they exist in real life, please, could someone show me one?!:D
- Why there´s so much misery in the world?
- Why people re-elect presidents like George W. Bush??????????
- Who choose when you will born? Wich family will be yours? Wih will be your country? How will be your personality?
- Why some people are born to be miserable?
- Why can´t I take away someone that is in my heart?
- Why mischa dates Cisco?
- Why people care much more about the Emmy´s than the NOBEL???
Things I am Doing right now
Listening to Scissor Sisters !
Jiggling my leg and head about to the music :innocent:
Talking to one of my sisters friends whos like 3 years younger than me:huh:
Downloading songs of the new Strokes album
Thinking about how excited i am for this weekend For my revenge :ninja:
Craving for the second announcement of whos coming to big Day Out!!
Better Be The Strokes and wouldnt mind Scissor Sisters !
Chewing on the end of a pen
Sitting here thinking about what to wirtee and what lists i can make up!
That its 7 o clock and im yet to write out an English essay on To Kill A Mokingbird
Oh and i have to go wash my hair !!! Goshhh this is all to much
Having the biggest urge to msg adam but i dont want to cause i dont want him to think im upset..!
I dont want to go to school tomorrow and have to tell everyone what happened ! :(
Suka said:
Questions I do when I don´t understand life or something stupid:
- Why do people like Britney Spear are a millionaire and celebs if they´re not even special or important to the world?!
- Why in the movies love is always perfect and endless?!
- Why in the books and movies always exist perfect men?!If they exist in real life, please, could someone show me one?!:D
- Why there´s so much misery in the world?
- Why people re-elect presidents like George W. Bush??????????
- Who choose when you will born? Wich family will be yours? Wih will be your country? How will be your personality?
- Why some people are born to be miserable?
- Why can´t I take away someone that is in my heart?
- Why mischa dates Cisco?
- Why people care much more about the Emmy´s than the NOBEL???

Great list!!!!:woot: I ask the same guestion!!!! And I really want to know the answers:shock:
things i ate today:
6 mini snicker bars
1 cereal popper
1 delichoice
170g allen's chocos:buzz: (feeing hyper)
1 gaytime
1 cup brown rice
1 tin of tuna
Top 3 Hopes for the Near Future

1. New lover (the old ones are a little worn out..)
2. That the apartment in London isn´t gonna be too crappy
3. The wonderful boots I saw yesterday..
All the muscles I should know by heart until Wednesday (in detail, not listed are Nerves, origin+destination as well as function :sick: ). Granted I forgot one or more...

Back muscles:
- M. trapezius
- M. latissimus dorsi
- M. rhomboideus major+ minor
- M. teres major + minor
- M. serratus anterior
- M. serratus posterior inferior + superior
- M. levator scapulae
- M. supraspinatus
- M. infraspinatus
- M. subscapularis

Hip muscles:
- M. iliopsoas
- M. gluteus maximus
- M. gluteus medius
- M. gluteus minimus
- M. tensor fasciae latae
- M. pectineus
- M. piriformis
- M. obturatorius internus
- M. gemellus superoir
- M. gemellus inferior
- M. obturatorius externus
- M. sartorius
- M. rectus femoris
- M. quadratus femoris
- M. politeus

Upper thigh muscles:
- M. quadriceps femoris: M. rectus femoris, M. vastus medials, M. vastus intermedius, M. vastus lateralis
- M. biceps femoris with Caput longum + breve
- M. semitendinosus
- M. semimembranosus
- M. gracilis

Lower leg muscles, extensors:
- M. tibialis anterior
- M. extensor hallucis longus
- M. extensor digitorum longus
- M. fibularis tertius

Fibular muscles:
- M. fibularis longus
- M. fibularis brevis

Flexors, superficial:
- M. triceps surae: M. gastrocnemius with Caput laterale+ mediale, M. soleus
- M. plantaris

Flexors, deep:
- M. tibialis posterior
- M. flexor hallucis longus
- M. flexor digitorum longus

Foot muscles:
Big toe muscles:
- M. abductor hallucis
- M. flexor hallucis brevis
- M. adductor hallucis brevis

Sole, middle section:
- M. flexor digitorum brevis
- M. quadratus plantae
- Mm. lumbricales
- Mm. interossei plantares
- Mm. interossei dorsales

Little toe muscles:
- M. abductor digiti minimi
- M. flexor digiti minimi brevis
- M. flexor opponens digiti minimi

Back of foot:
- M. extensor hallucis brevis
- M extensor digitorum brevis

My head is exploding... not to mention all the joints of back and hip, leg and foot, and additional structures. Yuck.

new handbag
more makeup
more work
to go out more clubbing
to dance really good
to be better at what i do
to have less doubts
Suka said:
Questions I do when I don´t understand life or something stupid:
- Why do people like Britney Spear are a millionaire and celebs if they´re not even special or important to the world?!
- Why in the movies love is always perfect and endless?!
- Why in the books and movies always exist perfect men?!If they exist in real life, please, could someone show me one?!:D
- Why there´s so much misery in the world?
- Why people re-elect presidents like George W. Bush??????????
- Who choose when you will born? Wich family will be yours? Wih will be your country? How will be your personality?
- Why some people are born to be miserable?
- Why can´t I take away someone that is in my heart?
- Why mischa dates Cisco?
- Why people care much more about the Emmy´s than the NOBEL???

An attempt to answear Suka's 10 questions:

- Because they're living the life many people want to live as opposed to what often is the life of those who actually did something for the world... And because being important for the world often requires having brain/taste/personality and is therefore difficult to comprehance or to relate to for so many people... Basicly, it's about curiousity, falling under promotion campaigns influence, and, yes, I don't think that adults with overwhelming interest for celebrities are really bright, most of the time.....

- movies are often about how things should be....
love in movies reflects how it's supposed to be in life

- ^ read above ^
But, no, if I knew a perfect man, there's no way I would ever show him to anyone :P :lol:

- no freaken idea

- he gives people a feeling of stability and defence, a fake one, but still.... Many people seem to prefer temporary things achieved fast to the long-lasting ones that take time to come... It's like with, say, being hungry - you can go and have a proper meal that will stuff you for a long time, but it takes time, or, you can eat a chocolate bar quickly, it won't stuff you for long, but you don't have to wait... Many people seem to prefer the latter.... Or, maybe, they just believe that peace can be achieved through fighting :lol:

- don know really... higher spirit, I think, but I believe you have a voice too :wink:

- I'd like to know it myself....

- ???....:( ...??? (maybe it's true love???)

- I don't have much interest for celebrities's romances.... and you may find it strange, but I don't even know properly who Cisco is.. I guess he's some singer, but I don't think I would recognise him, even....

- Oh, well, coming back to my first answear, an interest for Nobel probably requires more of education and knowledge than an interest for Emmy, which many people lack, including myself :lol:
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Things I am dreading...
My maths exam
My science exam
My social studies exam
The day Laura leaves
Rehersal tomorrow
My haircut tomorrow... what if it looks like crap??
My maths exam.

Things I need to do in the next few days

Write two Medieval literature essays
Go home to London for a few days
Hug my parents in London
Go to plastic surgeon consultations
Get lips semi-permanent made up
Read a lot of Hume for when I get back
Go to pet shop to inquire about snakes
Go to Harvey Nichols and try on Superfines
Send out invites to our uni houseparty
Print TFS November compilations sleeve
Reply to my TFS friends by pm.
Fall out of love... which doesn't exist anyway.
Things I'm Looking Forward To:

-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on DVD
-Pumpkin pies and Thanksgiving
-The holiday season in general, actually
-Getting the day off of school on Friday
-Neiman's First Call sale :woot:
-De Profundis coming in the mail from Amazon, because I've been waiting for it forever!
-Rent (and Harry Potter!) opening in a few weeks
-The new Darkness CD being released
-Hopefully getting Rolling Stones tickets
-New episodes of Gilmore Girls and Boston Legal on Tuesday
Things I regret...
Not entering the secret santa
Not asking for Castorpollux
Not greasing around him to get some Marc gear...

im making this list about anything i want to be over.

- people always worried about how they look...their bodies and their face...blah!
- the thought that we own the world and the huge tendence to destroy it.
- seeking perfection...useless.
- letting our dreams go away cause were dont have the courage to just RUN WITH IT.
- we "think we find" happiness in the contents of our stuff...the more we have...the more we want...& of course...we feel more lost than ever.
- cheese
- cheese
- cheese
- cheese
- spiritual enlightenment
Things that I learnd in this life:

I learnd...
- ... that I can´t ask for nobody´s love, I can just give good reasons to people like me.
- ... that no matter how much some things are important to me, there are people that don´t care and I could never change their mind.
- ... that I can pass years building a true and destroy it in few seconds.
- ... that I can use my charm for just 15 minutes, the I´ll have to know what I´m talking about.
- ... that I can do something in one minute and have to deal with it for the rest of my life.
- ... that I can go beyond the limits that I´ve put to myself.
- ... that I need to chose between to control my thoughts and be controlled by them.
- ... that forgiveness ask lots of practice.
- ... that there are people that like me but don´t know how to say it.
- ... that I can be mad and angry, but I can never humiliate people
- ... that I can never tell to a child that her dreams are impossible. Would be a tragedy to the world if I convince her that it´s true.
- ... that my best friend will hurt me sometimes and I´ll have to get used to it.
- ... that no matter how much I´m suffering, the world won´t stop for me.
- ... that words of love lose their meaning when used without discretion.
- ... that some people will leave me anyway.
- ... that is hard to follow the line between be kind, not hurt people and fight for the things that I believe.
- ...
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Oh yeah! My thread! Wicked!

Movies I really like that don't make my Top 10:

- Benny and Joon
- Ed Wood
- Blow
- The Talented Mr Ripley
- Sidewalks of New York (Ed Burns)
- Eyes Wide Shut
- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
- Dumb and Dumber
- I Heart Huckabees
- Rushmore
- A League of Their Own
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Pretty Woman
- Rainman ----->>> I love this one!
thing that i love/hate:

My cat
fllip flop
diet coke
make up
sex&the city
warrick brown from CSI Las vegas
my handbags
junkie food
art histsory
Dr Kovack from ER
lip gloss
drive fast
tim burton
george lucas
brush my hair
sienna miller
harry potter
quentin tarantino
naomi watts
ally mc beal
h&m zara & co
tom ford


cruelty on animals
hilton sisters...
fake handbags
angelina jolie
metro (subway tube..)
to pay things with cash
talk on the phone
posh spice
pay the bills
italian movies
xmas presents
my birthday
cameron and justin
nick and jessica
tom and katie
chanel fragrances

and so many other things!!!
People I love...
-Can't say...a friend of mine is a tFS member and may be stalking my posts. She doesn't even know him. Then agin, she didn't know about Riley either...
-My cats
-Mole, Kate, Katie and all my friends.

My PERSONAL opinion - answers to Suka's questions
Not saying I know the answers, just that I always have a lot of crap to say!:D :P

Suka said:
Questions I do when I don´t understand life or something stupid:
- Why do people like Britney Spear are a millionaire and celebs if they´re not even special or important to the world?!
- Why in the movies love is always perfect and endless?!
- Why in the books and movies always exist perfect men?!If they exist in real life, please, could someone show me one?!:D
- Why there´s so much misery in the world?
- Why people re-elect presidents like George W. Bush??????????
- Who choose when you will born? Wich family will be yours? Wih will be your country? How will be your personality?
- Why some people are born to be miserable?
- Why can´t I take away someone that is in my heart?
- Why mischa dates Cisco?
- Why people care much more about the Emmy´s than the NOBEL???

1. Because we are overprivileged and don't understand the REAL problems in the world, and what we should be doing about them. Instead, we fill our lives with meaningless bullsh*t. And idolize complete idiots to feel better about our lack of intelligence and specialness.

2. Because Hollywood studios assume that people want to see movies where love is perfect, not where love is sad (and real).

3. I've lived for 23 years and I've never met a perfect man:ninja: Cant answer that. Those books and movies exist to give us false hope and to settle for less, thinking we deserve what we get and that it doesn't get any better than this.

4. Because people are greedy and selfish. The more privilege you have, the more lazy and narrowminded you become. People in a position of privilege RARELY UNDERSTAND the position of people who aren't in that position.
That's why people get REALLY REALLY angry if you suggest something is 'racist' or 'sexist'. No one likes to understand the position of someone oppressed by their own group.

5. Because more than half of any country is stupid.

6. I don't really understand this question. Your parents decide. As for your personality - half your genetics, half your environment decides your personality.

7. I don't know. I think it's people that were either really messed up in childhood or way too privileged/spoiled.



10. Because people would rather watch TV than think about what's important in the world.
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