Matthew Williamson Bag


Mar 30, 2005
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I am desperately trying to get hold of a Matthew Williamson, Butterfly Collection, multicoloured keychain design bag. It is only available in the UK, so obviously some of you wont be able to help.

I have heard rumours it is really hard to get hold of and is a limited edition piece.

It is exclusive to Debenhams but they are totally sold out.

Does anyone know anything else about this bag? I have heard so many mixed rumours about it.

I looked on ebay and prices are getting stupid. The bag is listed at £60, which is not that much, and people are paying up to £500 for it.

Please help.


Im not sure what the bag looks any description of it would be helpful. Im in the UK and I will try to have a look out for you. Any pics?:flower:
Ok, I'll keep an eye out for you. I didnt know Matthew Williamson's bags for Debenhams were so popular. :blink: I always see lots of his stuff in Debenhams and hardly anyone goes near it (apart from me). Im sure a Debenhams somewhere must still have one. :wink:
Well, I have liked his Butterfly range for a long time. Mostly because I CAN AFFORD IT! It use to be quite easy to get hold of his stuff, even though my Debenhams doesnt have all of the collection, I could always go in, find something I loved and buy it there and then. But in the last few months or so.......(right easier way to describe it is, imagine a big department floor sale right, all the nice clothes people rush to and leave the clothes in a right mess, and like all in different places, and hardly anything there, yea?) Well this is what the Matthew Williamson bit looks like at the moment. I went in yesterday and my god what a mess. It was like my version of hell. It was such a mess.

Anyway, I try and go in a few times a week just to see if they have anything in, and to check if they got the bags in.

The bag refered to has only been out about a week or two and is apperently sold out already!!!

The one time they had ONE in, I was told it is on reserve for a employee. GRRR.

I just want to know if anyone has any information on the bag. I have heard rumours that it is limited edition, which is going to make it even harder to get hold of.

Anyway, what do you think of the bag?

I am so glad I have found another Williamson lover!

I have seen quite a few Butterfly by Matthew Williamson pieces I liked at Debenhams but i've never actually purchased anything yet. I was really close to buying a khaki bag he designed for last year's collection and it had pins and brooches on the front. It was really cute.
I havent seen the one you have posted in the stores yet but i should be going shopping tomorrow or on Fri so i will keep my eyes peeled. I think they are quite hard to get hold of by looking at the other ebay aucitons for that bag..especially since it was featured in magazines and stuff. :rolleyes:

Im not sure I would pay £100 or more for it though :blink:
Do you mean the like shoulder bag, with the little Diamond like MW and other badges on?? Quite big, and with two pockets on the front??

I have that. Its really nice, but it is quite a big bag to wear over your body. It comes in pink too.

Debenhams have it on sale for £50.

I have called Debenhams and told them to call me when they get them in again.

I am really tempted to go out to Kings Lynn or London JUST to find this bag!!!

Yes, i think thats the one. I saw it as well last year sometime ago. Its a cute bag. Where in the UK are you? I wouldnt bother travelling that far in case the bag is already gone.:(
Well I live in Norwich. So about 2 hours by train or 4 hours by car to London. My mum has commented though that as London is much bigger the chance is it sold out even faster. Kings Lynn is only about a 45 min car journey away.

I was just watching one on Ebay. It went for £175. That is OVER double nearly triple the RRP.
Why pay so much for that bag??

If it was not MW it would never go for that much..

It's just a ordinary fabric bag, they make a thousands of those all around in high street shops:blink:
Yes. I know. I dont tend to spend loads on a bag. Im quite happy with bags from Accessorize etc etc, but sometimes its nice to splash out. I own some Gucci bags but I did not buy them because they were Gucci, I brought them because I like them.

As I said in one of the above posts. I have LOVED Matthew Williamson's clothes and accessories for ages. The Butterfly collection is great as I can actually afford it!!

I realise alot of people just want it for the name, but that is up to them. Personally I wont buy a bag or anything for that matter unless I like it, regardless of the designer!

I love this bag. I probably would love it less if it cost like £500.
Didn't realize the designer Debenhem's stuff was so popular. Haven't ever checked it out in store to tell you the truth. I would try calling the smaller debenhem's and see if they have anything.
Did you say these bags cost £60 in Debenhams?? If so, I wouldnt pay for more than £100 or even £500 for it. :shock: Its just not worth it..but thats because i would rather spend it on another designer bag. I think you should hold out in case they get more in stock or something..
Kimbyanne, I doubt you will see this message, but I went shopping yesterday and they had the bag you are looking for at Lakeside Debenhams!! I dont know if they have any more in stock but just thought I'd let you know. Good Luck.

Thanks. I just got a call from Debenhams though, they have some in now, so I am running up there at lunch to get one. YEY!

Thank you anyway. :D

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