Merlin BBC

I really want Morgana and Arthur to have some sort of direct interaction! That would be really interesting. I guess I'm still having trouble letting go of ArMor.
I really want Morgana and Arthur to have some sort of direct interaction! That would be really interesting. I guess I'm still having trouble letting go of ArMor.
You're an Armor fan? Yes! I'm pleased to hear that because I can't let them go either. ^_^
I watched His Father's Son yesterday and I expected Queen Annis to choose Morgana to fight Arthur because that would have made the episode so much more emotional. I mean if Arthur spared Morgana's life that would have been more meaningful than sparing a random guy's life. That's just me. Seriously if there's no confrontation between them in the entire season, I'm going to freak. I mean, she keeps mentioning him so they have to meet someday.

Next Week's Episode
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^Yes, definitely an ArMor fan!
I know, I really thought Morgana would be the person on their side.
I don't like how the writers are conveniently ignoring everything that happened in Season 1, though. Yeah, hopefully we can see a confrontation.
^Yes, definitely an ArMor fan!
I know, I really thought Morgana would be the person on their side.
I don't like how the writers are conveniently ignoring everything that happened in Season 1, though. Yeah, hopefully we can see a confrontation.
It's terrible that the writers ignored the connection they had in season 1 and completely abandoned it. I understand if they want to go in a different direction and Arthur/Gwen has to come into the story but they should have done it more smoothly and gradually. Because if they continued with ArMor then no way would Morgana not have any jealous feelings of ArWen
Just a reminder... The fourth season started tonight in the states on the SyFy Channel. :buzz: It airs at 10 pm every Friday night.

I was so excited to watch the season premiere. I liked seeing Arthur back on my tv screen. :crush: The episode was really well done and set's things up well for the rest of the season. Although, I must admit it was annoying watching the episode with my sister because she's already watched the whole season. So anytime I'd freak out and predict something that might happen she'd just make faces or say something cryptic. Ahh... sisters... :lol:
^Yes, I saw the season 4 premiere too! It airs on the Space channel in Canada. It was good. I really enjoyed it! ^_^
Okay, I just finished watching the season and I honestly can't get over the Arthur/Morgana confrontation. Maybe it's because I ship ArMor, but to me, it was honestly the best scene in the entire season and the scene with the best chemistry as well. I think I watched just those two minutes at least ten times.
I just finished series 4, and I cannot wait till the 5th. I just hope there won't be any voids and gaps like the previous missing Morgana storyline for instance.
But it'll be quite awhile till new episodes.
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So glad to see a topic here! My LJ friends have loved this show for years but I never got into it until this year.

I like it and I'm glad the cast are starting to get attention elsewhere.

Oh, the first two seasons are on hulu for free.
Really thought this season ended well! Loved the sword and the stone bit... I think I fangirled a bit at that part. And thank god Arthur and Gwen finally got hitched! They are adorable together. It'll be interesting to see what's in-store next season. I hope Arthur finally learns about Merlins powers... it's getting a bit ridiculous at this point... and he should really know considering they are bestie's and all.
I think the 4th season is the worst, the seasons just get worse and worse. I miss the greatness of the 1st season. It had a little bit of everything
^It seems like it's sort of dragging on now doesn't it? Like, Merlin really needs to tell Arthur about his powers. It's ridiculous that it'll have taken five season for Arthur to find out. I mean, is he that thick?
^It seems like it's sort of dragging on now doesn't it? Like, Merlin really needs to tell Arthur about his powers. It's ridiculous that it'll have taken five season for Arthur to find out. I mean, is he that thick?

Well, that's good to know. I'm only midway in season 2, but I'm like "tell him already!"

The show is very hit or miss for me. It's either totally awesome cheese or it's mindnumbingly stupid. There's no in-between. However, Bradley James keeps pulling me back in. He's everything Jamie Campbell Bower's Arthur wasn't. (Yes, I watched Camelot. Don't judge me too much!)
^Ahhh.... oh god! I'm so sorry! Normally I put things in white. I feel absolutely terrible about this. If it makes you feel any better... Arthur and Merlin's relationship otherwise is really fun to watch throughout the seasons. Bradley James is so dreamy. And Colin Morgan is adorable as Merlin. I really am sorry I spoilt it for you. :(
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No worries! I'm not a person who lives a spoiler-free life. In fact, I seem to live for "but tell me what happens next so I can adjust my expectations accordingly."

(I have friends who are Merlin fans as well on tumblr and LJ so I kinda know the show isn't as brilliant as it used to be based on what they've posted about it.)
^Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm glad to know you aren't too bummed out about it. Cause, I really did feel bad about it. But yeah, it can be hard to live in a spoiler-free world nowadays with the internet and everything.
No more Merlin after fifth series (

Merlin to be axed after fifth series ends in December

The BBC show Merlin will end after the current series.

The programme has been running for five years and pulls in almost seven million viewers in its Saturday evening slot.

The creators say the show, which features a young King Arthur and his wizard servant, will come to a "natural and dramatic end" with a two-part finale.

"I think the show has run its natural course," admits Northern Ireland-born Colin Morgan, who plays Merlin.

Bradley James says that he would like the fantasy series to go out on a high.

"We've arrived at its strongest point and we've achieved what we set out to do."

Newsbeat recently spoke to Bradley James who plays King Arthur about Merlin's future.

"It's always wise to go out on a high and I think we are at a stage where you take it series by series and think do we want to another one or do we want to do something else?"

'Spectacular finale'

The creators of Merlin say this series is where the storylines have reached their peak.

"We always felt the story of the legend was best told across five series, leading to a spectacular finale that draws on the best-known elements of this much-loved story and brings to a conclusion the battle for Camelot."

Richard Wilson plays Merlin's mentor in the show and admits while he is extremely sad the show is ending thinks it is good news for his character.

"Speaking as Gaius I feel I have mentored the young wizard as far as I can. He is much smarter and greater than me now and I am simply exhausted."

Over the years the programme has had a number of guest stars including Michelle Ryan, Emilia Fox and Mackenzie Crook.

The controller of BBC One says they have ambitious plans for new drama in Merlin's Saturday night slot for 2013.

The next episode of Merlin is on BBC One at 8pm on Saturday 1 December.
^ that's sad :(

Anyway I just wish Arthur could end up with Morgana. I totally ship them even though it's impossible.
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^Yay, another ArMor fan!

Yeah, it is sad. I kind of saw it coming because they said that if they were to continue it, it would be in movie format rather than TV, but it's hard to register that it will actually be over.
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