Mischa Barton likes 'em classy


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Jan 11, 2005
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Mischa Barton likes 'em classy


I'll admit, this is the first time I've ever actually seen Mischa Barton's new boyfriend, club owner Cisco Adler. And since he used to date Kimberly Stewart, I guess it was foolish of me to expect something even vaguely human-looking. I know that Mischa's last boyfriend was a lump of grease, but at least he was a lump of grease with enough money to buy Lenin's brain. I don't know how much Cisco Adler is worth, but by the looks of it, I'd say 73 cents and a bag of Zesty Doritos. Sure, that would be more delicious than Lenin's brain, but it wouldn't be nearly as cool.


Source: http://www.thesuperficial.com/archives/2005/10/31/mischa_barton_likes_em_classy.html

:yuk: (Make sure you click that picture of Brandon Davis!)
just looking at him makes me feel contaminated by the 'hobo virus'..
every second i look at him makes me deteriorate further

But seriously.....it's her choice, her life....what else can we say?
chiangsi1980 said:
it's her choice, her life....what else can we say?

We can say: Thanks for keeping the ugly and f*cked-up guys occupied so we don`t have to mess with them! :wink:
Sephora_Socialite said:
Who is this guy anyways? :blink:

He is a Club-owner and the Ex of Kimberly Steward...and I think he suited her FAR BETTER because Kimberly appears very "trashy" - and doesn`t seem to mind that but Mischa behaves very "pretty Hollywood princess"...but her choice in guys gives away her true side...or?
or he has a huge.......

you know, they kinda look like cousins in that photo. maybe its just his trailor park 'chic' that makes me feel that way..

(heehee.. we r so mean..)
This guy is even a step below Pete Doherty. Meh, clearly Mischa has a certain type she likes.
Whoa! What is Barton thinking?:shock: Maybe she's not thinking? In some ways, it makes perfect sense, she's young and seems a little gullible, and in Hollyweird, young starlets like her seem to go out with the sleasy ones at the beginning of their career. Great example, Drew Barrymore. Look at her past relationships! She has grown up so much now.:innocent:
Yuck. :yuk:

No, actually... Oh my god, is that my dinner on the floor? :sick:
He looks like sh*t. WOW, Brandon Davis was a stylish, handsome, billionaire. This guy was in Kimberly Stewart.
Not to start an argument or anything, but what is the point of making fun of some guy we don't even know? Maybe Mischa likes him because of his personailty and doesn't care about his looks. I'm not defending him because I don't know him or anything, but he could be a nice person for all we know.
^^^ AMEN.

listen to you people. you're insane. maybe she isn't as superficial as all of you, and she is attracted to a person beyond their looks. maybe him and kimberly broke up because he thought she was a stupid twat.
Diorling said:
He looks like sh*t. WOW, Brandon Davis was a stylish, handsome, billionaire. This guy was in Kimberly Stewart.

eeep. Shouldn't that be enough to turn anyone off?:lol:
happycanadian said:
^^^ AMEN.

listen to you people. you're insane. maybe she isn't as superficial as all of you, and she is attracted to a person beyond their looks. maybe him and kimberly broke up because he thought she was a stupid twat.

Actually, I think he's kind of cute from some angles. And I think A LOT of people are confusing Mischa with her OC character....:wink: I'm not surprised at all - she's a party girl, why wouldn't she date one of the owners of the Rainbow?
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iluvjeisa said:
Actually, I think he's kind of cute from some angles. And I think A LOT of people are confusing Mischa with her OC character....:wink: I'm not surprised at all - she's a party girl, why wouldn't she date one of the owners of the Rainbow?

I agree. I think its all that hair that's the problem!:D
If he cut it off, I think he would look a look better.
If shes happy, then im happy!!

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