Monika "Jac" Jagaciak

Dzień dobry ELLE, tu JAC :) Dziś będzie mnie tu pełno - do kiosków właśnie trafiła okładka magazynu, na której się znalazłam, a cały dzień spędzę z Wami na fan page'u. Zapraszam do śledzenia postów, postaram się polecić Wam kilka ciekawostek.

Good morning Elle, it's Jac :) I'm gonna spend the whole day on the Elle's fanpage. Follow my posts I will post some interesting stuff.

Jac is taking over Elle Polska's facebook today :)

New sexy pix from her Elle ed:

Elle Polska's facebook
according to what she wrote on elle fb she won't be at nyfw :(

Oh no, I was looking forward to see her there. NY is always the city where she is doing the best :(

Btw not a big fan of the Elle cover. Her face seems oddly photoshopped.
Vogue Italia February 2013

Beauty Pageant
Models: Monika Jagaciak, Maud Welzen, Katya Riabinkina, Natasha Remarchuk, Irina Kravchenko, Tilda Lindstam, Juliana Schurig & Anja Konstantinova
Photographer: Craig McDean

^What a great ed! Nice to see her in new printwork :heart:

I've decided to translate Jac's interview from the newest Elle. It's probably lost in my poor translation and many typos, but I appreciate Jac even more after reading her answers. She's a really mature, reasonable and smart young woman.

What do you wear when you go to school?

I wake up at 6 am, I don't have time for anything special, I take shower, I put my jeans on and leave home. But when I'm working I choose something more special, I put makeup on, because I know people from the industry appreciate that.

What's the most valuable item in your wardrobe?

My beloved blue 2.55 Chanel purse, and the other black one. Acne, Balmain, Alexander Wang jackets. Isabel Marant, Valentino, Louboutin shoes.

What did wear for your prom?

Tight Herve Leger dress, which I bought long time ago in a vintage boutique in Paris.

One day you just decided you were going to be a model?

When I searched for „modeling agency” Gagamodels was the first result. Without telling my mum, I sent an email to the agency's owner Kasia Rusin with the information that I have the right height, but I'm only 12. I went to the mall for test photoshoot. There was no booker there, just one photographer, bored, because he was constantly shooting girl after girl. The very same day Kasia rang and she wanted to sign the contract immediately.

What did you know about fashion world?

Nothing. I approached this as a challenge. I was lucky, I got to the top ver quickly. I didn't have to bribe any agency, work for unknown brands, wait for the breakthrough moment.

Before you went to Paris, you worked in Poland?

I went to Warsaw for casting for a TV series, for the part of Bogusław Linda's daughter (Bogusław Linda is famous Polish actor). I had no chance, I was much taller than him. I started crying during test shooting. I didn't get the part, but the cameraman said camera loved me.

About her campaign for Hermes: during the casting I wasn't nervous, I didn't know what Hermes was or who Peter Lindbergh was. The fashion industry is unpredictable. I'm sitting at the casting next to 10 pretty girls. They choose me. It was my first work and at once big production. We stayed at Grand Hotel in Normandy. I was wondering what I was doing there. Daria Werbowy was the star of the campaign, but Hermes bosses liked Jac. After the campaign Jac went to Japan. Jac's Mum: It was our first trip abroad. But it was difficult. Jac was disappointed, she couldn't bear it. She worked from 5 am to 11 pm. She was passing out from the fatigue. And I was crying from the stress.

Japan is the place where models younger than 16 work as they can't work in Europe. You weren't happy there?

I was overworked. Every morning mum pulled me out of the bed and took me to shower. I had three jobs everyday. Catalogs, lookbooks, photoshoots. Commercial work with people, who didn't treat fashion as an art. There was no passion there.

Thanks to that job you signed the contract with Chanel.

One of my first jobs in Japan was the Chanel advertorial for Japanese Vogue. But I caught the attention of Peter Philips, Chanel makeup creative director, after the first shows. He decided to hire me for the new foundation ad campaign. I wasn't 16 back then and I couldn't become the face of Chanel. They waited till my birthday when they sent me a purse as a gift and asked me to work for their campaign. I'm the Chanel ambassador till today.

You were predicted to have the great career from the beginning?

Yes, but I didn't take it too seriously. Parents helped me stay grounded. They taught me also to never give up. Personally I give up easily, I want to have the results of my actions at once. This is why I've chosen modeling over the sports career.

Were you lost in the big world?

I'm still mixing up names and brands. I made some gaffes. I didn't know how to eat with seven forks, but I joked about it.

Are you more experienced now? You are attending more and more parties.

I was a guest at the Dior show in Paris, I was sitting in the first row next to Natalia Vodianova. But I feel uncomfortable when someone wants to make me a celebrity.

Friends didn't find out about Jac's success until she came back from Japan. From that moment she lives in two parallel universes. IMG agency wanted to enroll Jac to the college or private high school in New York, but the parents wanted to keep an eye on Jac until she passes Matura exams. She cares about her grades. In the junior high she didn't have to put much effort to be a good student, but now its' more difficult. Her ambition suffers. Jac's mum: she has such an adult like life, I forget she's just a teen till she does something silly.

Are there two Monikas, one from Paris and another from Puszczykowo?

At the beginning of my career I wanted to quit school, cut off my friends. I thought I achieved so much, I thought I should have adult life, when I can afford it. But then while I was shooting for Chanel in Paris and my class was at the school trip I regreted I wasn't with them. In small towns bonds between people are stronger. But I don't talk with my firend about fashion, after school we meet and get some beer.

Don't you feel a bit embarassed about the amount of the money you earn?

I don't talk about money. I have it on my account, I hire investment advisors, I'm planning to start my own business. But neither my friends nor even my boyfriend know how much I earn.

Do you work sometimes just for the paycheck?

The biggest fashion houses don't have huge budgets, the most high-end magazines don't even pay at all for the editorials. But you don't say no when Steven Meisel calls and asks for you. On the other hand when I see the sum on the commercial contract it's hard to refuse – I usually convert every photo to the amount of clothes I can buy in exchange of it. But then I leave a shop with nothing, because I don't want to spend too much money.

Supermodels are picked up by millionaires or celebrities. It's just a stereotype. Jac prefers to date an ordinary guy. Jac's boyfriend, Wojtek: I just began my internship at the Fashion Magazine – it was a photoshoot with three models, I didn't know Jac was a star. I walked her to the bus stop, then to the railway station. At home I googled her and I was stunned.
Today the see each other at weekends. During the summer they went to Ibiza, Jac rented a house for a month, she invited her friends. The last folly before the graduation. After the matura exams Jac moves to Warsaw and starts studies at the university. She thinks about sociolgy or management studies.

Do you think there will be the moment when you will think you achieved everything?

My secret is I really don't want to have a big career that much. I want to be like Daria Werbowy, who disappears for a year, travels around the world and then she comes back and everyone wants to work with her. I don't want be like Kate Moss who lives only for modeling.

How long do you want to stay in the industry?

First of all I want to have a normal, regular life. I can't imagine I have two kids, my agent calls and I have to travel to another part of the world.

Maybe you will become and actress, like many other ex-models?

I don't want to become an actress, just because I was a model and I look good in front o the camera. I want to be the best.
Thank you for the translation OlgaMaria!

She really seems a nice and smart girl.
Elle Polska March 2013
Ph: Remi Kozdra & Kasia Baczulis
Egamin dojrzałości (Maturity exam)

Gagamodels & Elle Polska facebook
Le Volume de Chanel Mascara - HQ

And video (featuring just Jac's eyes, but still pretty nonetheless)
Thanks for the translation Olga :) I'm always excited when there's a new interview since there are only a few of her and especally this one I liked because we got to know so much about her personal life. She's amazing!
Thanks so much for the translation OlgaMaria :flower:

(as a japanese) im a bit sad to hear she didnt feel well during her japan-career but i guess thats just how it works there… anyway i can remember she always looked so superb in the jap magazines and ads and also thats how i became a fan of her :heart:
^ Me too! I remember you posting so many lovely pictures of her from Japanese magazines a few years back, maimon :D. And I seriously need to check out if I can find Polish Elle somewhere...they have some Polish magazines at the station, I hope they have Elle too, I want to read the interview in Polish.
^ Me too! I remember you posting so many lovely pictures of her from Japanese magazines a few years back, maimon :D. And I seriously need to check out if I can find Polish Elle somewhere...they have some Polish magazines at the station, I hope they have Elle too, I want to read the interview in Polish.

ooh you still remember!? :rolleyes:
back then i was already so sure she would become a big star ;)
Jac at her prom


Jac's instagram

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