The Michael Kors show was delayed about 25 minutes because one of the models, named Ondria Hardin of DNA Models, became ill, and paramedics from New York-Presbyterian were called and took her away in a stretcher. She was treated outside the Spring Studios venue at 50 Varick Street for about 15 minutes with an oxygen mask, said one onlooker. A spokeswoman for Michael Kors said following the show, “She was unwell and cognizant. She got treatment immediately, and that’s why we didn’t start the show. The paramedics came. There was no point in taking a chance. She was with her agent. It’s a lot for these girls to endure.”
One of the dressers backstage said the scene was alarming when Ondria was taken away on a stretcher. Ondria was all dressed and ready to go, wearing a crimson silk georgette scarf dress.