Pete Doherty - the boy ain't clean yet!

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Mar 18, 2005
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Junkie Pete’s drug bust

Courtney’s not the only one caught in a drug scandal. Kate Moss’s crack addict lover Pete Doherty was detained in an Oslo airport recently after being caught bringing drugs into Norway.

The troubled rocker and a member of his entourage were strip searched and locked up for three hours after customs officers found 1.7g of cocaine and 1.5g of heroin.

“Pete was given a thorough search,” a source tells. “He got the full rubber glove treatment.”

The pair were released when fines of over $3200 were paid – apparently by the organisers of the music event they were on their way to attend.

Pete, 26, and his band Babyshambles were due to appear at the Oya rock festival at 5pm. But because of the bust, they didn’t make it on stage until 10.30pm.

“It wasn’t the best performance,” says a festival spokesperson. “Pete got sick and vomited on the stage. He also threw vodka bottles into the audience.”

No wonder friends of Kate, 31, are increasingly worried about the presence of the drug addict rocker in her life – and that of her two-year-old daughter Lila Grace.

Jesus, they only got fined for carrying coke and heroin??? What the hell!

And Kate could do SO much better.
Spike413 said:
Jesus, they only got fined for carrying coke and heroin??? What the hell!

Yeah, and in Thailand or Singapore it would've been the firing squad...
^^ LOL! Yes it would have been. Then again, I don't believe in a "fair treatment for all", even in strict Singapore.
tastes_like_chic said:
...No wonder friends of Kate, 31, are increasingly worried about the presence of the drug addict rocker in her life – and that of her two-year-old daughter Lila Grace.


Yes, poor innocent Kate, corrupted by that younger man... :rolleyes:
Spike413 said:
Jesus, they only got fined for carrying coke and heroin??? What the hell!

That's what suprised me... I bet thy paid the cops off. If it were Indo it would've been life or capital punishment.
Normally you do get a fine if its in a smaller amount that can be counted for personal usage. Unless of course you're in bali
I love him! He is the greatest man on this planet! He will get clean! I am sure!:p
I may be horrible - but I'm right :rolleyes:
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What is funny about that? You do! He is the only open person in this world I can relate to and many would say the same. He articulates what we feel!
ppl who go thru life high all the time have things to deal with
the more drugs they do - more the problems get bigger
eventually a viscious cycle

think that he drugs will take the problem away. although knwoing in some corner of ure heart they wont.

i know ppl closely with drug problems. happy to say they quit. but it was with constant love and care.
Listen, Asha, you and I will never see eye-to-eye on this one, so I'm going to keep this short: Pete is a drug addict. Now, that doesn't mean you can't appreciate his music; but you at least need to acknowledge his faults. I'd be lying if I said it didn't concern me to see a 12-year-old idolizing a drug addict. You need to get some serious perspective on this.
I know it is bad and there is no point in us debating over this it is just that I try to see past them and aside from the drugs that man is perfect! I don't see why it should concern you, although I am greatful and I appreciate it, you seem nice just I find it hard sometimes to see the bad side of that guy, if there is one!
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