Preen: A Retrospective

Susie,how is their shop? I posted something about it in Shop Till You Drop as I didn't(nor did anyone who posted)know anything about it. Lucky that you're in London and get to go to that. Are those sales like the Antwerp stock sales,where they sell the lot of their past and present collections?

But as far as their deconstruction,I really prefer when those collections like the '99,I posted....when their silhouette was much leaner and they did alot of recycled appliques/embellishments and patchworking techniques.
susie_bubble said:
Subscribe to Daily Candy, Urban Junkies.
Time Out also has loadsa sample sale ads.
Thanks Susie :flower:
The shop is v. small but had a nice atmosphere. Very cute changing rooms too. Everything in the shop was part of the sample sale. It had really old collections and some newer, more present stuff too (the newer it was, the more expensive). The prices were EXTREMELY cheap. Most items were under £100. I picked up a T-shirt, and an assymetric top with one metallic breast. (sounds odd but it's REALLY cool!) all for £30.

I'd advise anybody in London to head down there. I'm gonna go again on Saturday for a final rummage.
^Sounds lovely! I wish I were in London. Maybe next season though. I would really enjoy having a gander(possibly a few purchases)of their archival pieces. Is the sample sale just for Preen or are there more happening with other designers?
There are an ABSOLUTE TON of sample sales going on in London at the moment. I went to Boudicca, Vivienne Westwood last week. And I'm going to a few more mixed ones this weekend. Jessica Ogden and Eley Kishimoto are having some too.
^arrrrrrrrrrgh susie, i'm so jealous! have fun and post everything in the secret shopaholics thread pretty please!
^aaaaarrrrrrrrghhhhhhh, susie, i am so jealous! have fun and post everything in the secret shopaholics thread pretty please!

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