Richard Avedon - Photographer


etre soi-meme
Jun 9, 2002
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Photographer Avedon Dies

NEW YORK — Famed fashion photographer Richard Avedon died today in San Antonio, Tex., after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage last Saturday. He was 81.

Avedon was stricken while on assignment for The New Yorker. He was shooting photos for a piece called ``On Democracy'' to run before the November presidential election, a spokesman for the magazine said.

He was The New Yorker's first staff photographer.

wwd breaking news :cry:

Richard Avedon, one of the most celebrated photographers of the 20th Century, has died at the age of 81.
Avedon helped create the era of supermodels with sensuous photographs of fashion icons such as Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford.
And his portrait work, often stark, unflattering black-and-white images of the stars, was regarded as setting a new level in photographic art.
Avedon died in Texas where he was working for the New Yorker magazine.

Towering reputation
He worked first for Harper's Bazaar and later for Vogue, producing pictures that were ground-breaking and credited with redefining the concept of fashion photography, moving from rigid poses to more candid, less formal representations.
"He's the most wonderful man in the business because he realises that models are not just coat hangers," model Suzy Parker said of him.
Avedon also developed a towering reputation for portrait work.
His austere images of subjects such as Brigitte Bardot, Charlie Chaplin, and Marilyn Monroe, were intense studies that set the benchmark for artistic photography.
"No to exquisite light, not to apparent compositions, not to the seduction of poses or narratives. And those no's force me to a yes," said Avedon of his technique in 1994.
He captured the essence of dancer Rudolph Nureyev by simply photographing one of his feet.
"The results can be pitiless," Time magazine critic Richard Lacayo once noted of the black-and-white portraits which highlighted "every wrinkle and sag".

Gritty images
Although his work could be unflattering, at times brutally honest, there was never a shortage of subjects willing to be photographed by a man regarded as among the very best in the business.
The 1957 film Funny Face about a fashion photographer and starring Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn, was loosely based on his life. But he also sometimes left the glitzy world of fashion to capture gritty images of the civil rights movement in the US and the anti-Vietnam war movement.
Avedon was born in New York City in 1923, of Russian-Jewish immigrant parents
He died after suffering a brain haemorrhage while on assignment for the New Yorker magazine in San Antonio, Texas.
from bbc world
:cry: ... :heart:
I'd like to see some of his latest work.. if anyone can post it :ninja:

for Versace


Richard Avedon Paving the way for the supermodels to follow: Suzy Parker, right, with Coco Chanel, in a photograph taken by Richard Avedon in Paris in 1959.

Never heard of him before since I'm not a fashion history buff, but wow, very nice work. That first photo of Marilyn is a classic.

Rest in peace Mr. Avedon. :smile:
It's awful, and made all the worse by the fact that I was hoping he'd recover.
Why is it that everyone is passing away around me?

He is amazing, he was a lucky man to be able to do all that in his life. He will be missed by many im sure. :heart:
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to write and let you know that Richard Avedon has died ON Sept 30, 2004 from a brain haemorrhage while working on an assignment for The New Yorker magazine in Texas, at the age of 81. he was one of Fashions First revolutionaries, photographing Marilyn M, Andy Warhol, Cindy C. Naomi, and soo many more. I thought it would be approriate to to give him a little moment of honor. he after all was one of the few who influenced the flow of fashion, and contributed to make it what it is today.

Gucci Girl

P.S. I wanted to post my favorite Avedon shot, but my computer is going through some troubles now :huh:
Sad to read this today. A great photographer of elegance & grace.
Quote from a newspaper:

Richard Avedon, one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century, died Friday at the age of 81. In September, he suffered a brain hemorrhage while on assignment for The New Yorker in San Antonio, Tex.

Avedon, who elevated fashion photography to a modern art form, was best known for his dramatic black-and-white portraits of the rich and famous.

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