Rick Owens Menswear F/W 2024.25 Paris

To me Rick has lost the plot long time ago, now I'm watching his shows only for the amusement. It's sad the biggest change he can afford now in his aesthetics is to change one sugar baby for the another.
Agree Lola on the knitwear. Especially on a day like today where it's been in the teens (Fahrenheit lol) I would kill to get around in look 26 (minus the below the knee). Also for some reason I'm into that Porterville cowled sweater. There's something art nouveau about that font x Metallica lol. But I don't know how I'd feel wearing a sweater with a rando town name across my body for like $6000.

Also at least appreciated the music and the setting. I like that he showed in his house. Altho according to him he sort of has a regret because it's "EXCLUDING A COMMUNITY THAT MIGHT HAVE USED MY SHOW TO GATHER TOGETHER FOR CONNECTION AND SOLACE" ... yeah that's why they wanna go to your show
it’s a superb presentation!
subversive because it has to be and it has always been.
the coats, knitwear, the puffers. everything makes sense through his lens and that’s why it all looks so good.
Him showing at his house in that intimate setting reminded me of his intimate shows for Revillon…A simpler time!

I can somehow deal with RO womenswear because I can still picture myself in it and I do buy from time to time there but RO menswear has such a Fashion Victim connotation to it now for me…

All I see is stuff for people to stunt on social media. So it’s quite obnoxious…
But the knitwear is good.

Revillon by RO was absolute heaven, sadly quite scarce on the resale market.. I am always on the hunt for RO Revillon pieces (and just older RO pieces too)
I fully agree Rick men's is so victim-y now
To me Rick has lost the plot long time ago, now I'm watching his shows only for the amusement. It's sad the biggest change he can afford now in his aesthetics is to change one sugar baby for the another.
Yeah, I was thinking that he's a bit premature in experiencing that senior citizen phenomenon where you deposit all your horniness and nostalgia for what's long gone (youth, beauty, inspiring desire) on one particular person who's usually not that young, not that hot and not really as unanimously desirable as you think (and probably just playing along because.. broke), to the point it becomes an obsession where publicly surrendering credibility, pride, career and even financial fortune (the most common case) sounds like fair game in front of this "monumental beauty", but.... I did my math and Karl was in his 60s when he became obsessed with Brad Kroening, and spent all of his 70s showing us multiple exhibits on why Baptiste was a modern Greek god.. so I guess Rick, being in his 60s and all, will wrap up his career that way. Sad, but then, what is really his legacy? he peaked in the 00s and only for around 5 years before becoming a parody of himself. In retrospective, his only identifiable contribution to fashion is sneakers and black shorts with white drawstrings, so with such little responsibility to live up to something, being on autopilot and centering shows on some Tadzio from Skid Row might as well be some palliative form of navigating the industry when it's still profitable enough to kind of just exist in it without much creative effort left to do.
The gimmicks of this show have been being all over the places. IG, Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook my ***:buzz:

lSchiaparelli tomorrow YIKES, IG explosion alerts
whatever the ideas might be, some of them in execution leave something to be desired.
this was especially clear when he did costumes for sugimoto.
he should know he's not rei, gaultier, nor lang.



yes give us that filled garbage bag footwear fantasy.

he is lucky his basics has its own cult following and i kind of get it when i bought a piece. comfort level was insane but takes a lot of effort to not look homesless or like an overused doormat in his clothes.
I agree that perfection is ugly.
it's about how to violate perfection.
but, for that, you have to be able to embody perfection once.
there has to be perfection to be violated, even though it looks as if it was lost from the start.
"the beautiful becomes the beautiful only beyond itself." - nancy

yohji lets grace appear by means of inflicting new wounds upon perfection.

but rick's ability for detecting perfection seems to be precarious. strictly, sometimes he did seem to have it, but there were also times when he might have lost it.
and it is terrible to see a designer who actually doesn't have it pretending to be someone with a drunken sense of perfection.
Megaman spot on lol. He seems to be really into Japanese scifi but does he ever mention it? Also the tangled sequin headpieces were named after Mishima apparently.
The way he changed the name of that from the "Mishima top" to the "Mich top" ... this mf got the woke mind virus
^ I looked them up out of curiosity, and they're $3105 USD (nearly $4600 AUD...). Just, how? I am bamboozled.
Remember when, a long time ago, Rick used to show REAL sexy clothes instead of costumes.
So sad.
The more he ages, the more he tries very hard not to be commercial in his design approach.

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