Ryan McGinley - Photographer

I wrote an analysis of one of the Kate pics for my class, it was fun to write...
I hope this summer produces more cool pics.

Selections From Ryan McGinley's Early Work, 1998-2003

These are photos from the ****ed-up party days, from when Ryan first started taking pictures of all his crazy friends up to when he had his solo show at the Whitney Museum, which flung him like a wet young noodle into the boiling pot of the art world.

To dig these up, Ryan had to pore through his archives—hundreds and hundreds of black binders lining the shelves of his studio from floor to ceiling. “I was so psychotically obsessed with documenting my life,” he said. “All I wanted to do was make pictures of anything and everything. One of my favorite things to do back then would be to go out and get completely demolished and take tons of photos. Then I’d get the film developed and they were like evidence of whatever I had done that night because I usually couldn’t remember any of it.”


It was one of the hottest days of summer. I was riding my bike with my shirt off and I got hit by a car. My *** and back got dragged along the pavement for a good ten feet. The screeching noise those tires made haunts me to this day. It was my fault, but the driver was so freaked out that he gave me all the money in his wallet, close to $400. I was psyched! My back still has ****ing gravel in it.


It was a crazy summer for Earsnot. He was just starting his five-year probation (which recently ended in March!) and he got run over by a truck while skating on Delancey and Orchard. He was in the hospital for four weeks before he could have surgery, and then he was stuck at home for another four weeks healing. I needed to get him out of the city so we went up to a collector of mine’s chateau in Brattleboro, Vermont. Snot was so bummed he was missing Gay Pride Weekend in the city and kept yelling at me. That’s Donald Eric Cumming sitting next to him. I had been doing a trampoline series that summer and in this photo they were watching Leo Fitzpatrick do flips while drinking beer at the same time.​

DAN (9/11), 2001
This is the artist Dan Colen on the night of 9/11. We rode our bikes down to see if we could help out. The streets were covered in dust. The fire department had just started flooding the streets. I remember finding bits of papers and documents scattered around. The truck in the background explains it all. That’s how everything looked. I remember seeing huge stacks of Poland Spring bottled water for the soldiers that had set up base down there. It was all so bizarre. If you lived downtown you could smell the dust for a few weeks afterward.​

This is a typical night in 2002 for me. Dash Snow on the horn with our dealer. The couch he’s sitting on used to belong to me and my roommate Teddy. We gave it to him as a housewarming gift when he moved to Avenue C with his then wife, Agathe Snow, a bunny named Gary, and a parakeet named Sergeant Slaughter. The couch was rumored to have a missing bag of **** lost in it. One night we tore it up like archaeologists looking for a precious artifact. We never found it. A few years later Dash planted a tree in the hole we dug out of it and sold it as a sculpture to Charles Saatchi.​


I met Oliver at the ****—the sleazy old version on Avenue A, not the new one that took over the Hole. We always felt a little bit weird telling people that so we would make up different stories about how we met, but in actuality it was a plain-and-simple cruise. It took me all of about five seconds to go up to him and profess my love. Within minutes we were back at my apartment making out on the roof. I remember taking his Polaroid that evening and thinking that it was all too good to be true and I’d never see him again. Luckily I did and this was our first date. I bought him a ten-speed as a present *** and rode around Manhattan wearing 3-D glasses that made every light turn into a different kind of star.


Semen Sperms is a downtown-NYC graffiti legend. The guy has wandered the streets since the turn of the Stone Age. Before I met him I would hear stories about how weird he was—how he liked to smash windows by karate-kicking them and how he had tens of thousands of records and knew everything about music ever. I was fascinated by him. Finally our lives crossed paths and I couldn’t believe that this big doofy 70s-rocker was the sperm guy. His extensive knowledge of randomness would mesmerize me. The sperm was and always will be my favorite tag.


Donald Eric Cumming is now the lead singer of the Virgins. Back when this picture was taken, he went by Eric. It took me a while to make the transition into calling him Donald. One day he just decided to switch and that was that. This was taken at the Salvation Army in Chelsea. The Chelsea branch has all the nicest clothes and bedding. All the dead **** from the neighborhood—their wardrobes end up there. Ralph Lauren, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, the works. I used to steal bed sheets from there. One day we saw this guy that had a Hitler moustache shopping there. Donald slowly maneuvered over to the man so I could snap a photo of them. Then I said, “Hey Eric, look here!” They both looked up and I got it.


SPARKY, 1999
When I used to live on Seventh Street in the East Village, me and my oldest friend from Jersey, Teddy, sold **** to pay our way through college. When I started to date Marc, every time he would come over Teddy would say, “Hey Marc-y Sparky, let’s spark one up!” Anytime he walked through that door, they lit up a number. Everyone started calling Marc “Sparky” and that’s all we call him now.


That’s not my blood. I was making out with my main squeeze on a stoop in the East Village and some macho jock dickhead walked by and called us ****. I don’t think he expected me to get up in his face. We scrapped a bit and then I head-butted him and could feel his nose break on my forehead. We ran for blocks, laughing at the top of our lungs, and then jumped into bed, where my boyfriend took this picture of me.


Mariana was my first muse. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve every photographed. The energy this girl had. She was not afraid to say exactly what was on her mind. She’s the kind of girl you go to the movies with and she talks back to the screen. We were always up to no good and getting in trouble. In this picture we were at a party at some kid’s parents’ house and she was ransacking the bathroom, racking up some Kiehl’s and Crème de la Mer from their granny.

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Ryan McGinley and Sigur Ros History Lesson

With yesterday's debut of Sigur Ros' Ryan McGinley-assisted video for "Gobbledigook," we were compelled to search our magazine archives for the July 2002 issue of Dazed & Confused where ex-Vicer, current-Street Carnager Gavin Mcinnes wrote about spending twenty-four hours with McGinley. Here is a selection from the article's opening:

"Yo that dude is ****ing hot!" says Ryan pointing to the ****-eyed lead singer of Sigur Ros. We were looking at a magazine on the plane and we were on our way to Midnight Sun in Iceland; a pretentious fashion show with tons of free booze and great parties. After a ten-day work bender of sitting in front of computers and slaving in the darkroom, we were ready for a ten-day booze bender of cum, coke and fist-fights. Ryan was looking smug and I could tell he had convinced himself he was going to find that dude, photograph him and do lots of stuff that I don't like to think about...

Soon after arriving in Reykjavik, I noticed Ryan taking the Sigur Ros guy's picture. The rest of the night involved following the unimpressed singer from bar to bar until the two of them were necking like Puerto Rican teenagers playing hooky.

And now, six years later, the two are making videos together of naked wood shenanigans. Who says romance is dead?



Ryan McGinley Gets Hoodwinked at the Mexico City Zoo

In the fall of 2006 I was on the Morrissey Tour. I had been touring since March ‘06, traveling all over the world photographing his concerts and fans. These pictures were taken in November at the Mexico City Zoo.

I was walking into the park where the zoo was located and the first craft cart I encountered was amazing. It had all these pictures of celebrities with their faces painted like clowns and superheroes. I asked the woman how much the Eminem-as-Spider-Man picture cost. She said 50 pesos and I said I'll buy it, psyched at the idea of having new piece of art from Mexico to put on my wall when I got home. Then she said sit down and I got very confused. She then proceeded to start drawing on my face. I was freaked out at first and then it slowly dawned on me what was going on. After about ten minutes I was turned into a half Spider-Man. I never questioned why she only did half of my face but I was pretty enthusiastic about the whole deal. Being over six feet tall and white in Mexico City already made me feel like Spider-Man even without my face painted. I towered over everybody and all the Mexicans just stared. With my new identity I was a marked man. Once I entered the zoo all the little kids wanted to be my friend—they ran up to me and tugged on my clothes. One young girl wouldn't leave me alone and kept trying to kiss me. I spent all day wandering around looking at the animals and then went to the concert that night as is. I think I freaked out the Mozzer and his fans. Nobody really got the joke.




I really enjoy his work. You'd think it'd be your simple typical point-and-shoot photos, with the major discrepancy being the blatant abuse of nudity sometimes, maybe as means to add a special touch to an otherwise average shot, but it soo much more than that. There's just substance in his photographs, they truly evoke emotion. Not to mention, the composition kills me.





Yeah, I know. It should be boring and too 'hipster cool', but his work is rarely pretentious to me. 'Dakota', the second to last one in #47, is one of my very favourite images ever.
Thank you so much for posting. His work is as inspiring as he is.
Simply Vera Vera Wang F/W 08.09 : Hanne, Olya Z, Simona, and Lily T. by Ryan McGinley

Scanned by Faith Akiyama from Fashion Rocks 2008
I love his work... so dreamy and ethereal.... the Sigur Ros collaboration is just great :heart:
Ryans work is being featured at Canadian store Aritzia. I'm not sure wht the point of it all is really, I walked by yesterday and saw his name on the window with some of his road trip photos hanging. I wasn't too fond of it all though since I'm not a fan of Aritzia and their attempts to be hip.
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^Aritzia sounds like the perfect fit for him then... attempting to be hip.
i really don't like this Very Wang thing ...
i just don't get why she asked Ryan to shoot something when the result isn't Ryan at all, imo ....
I find the pictures nice.. but quite simple. im guessing that's what you like about them? To me they almost seem a bit amateur
Hi campaign for Wrangler in europe is beautiful. Cant find the images right now but will scan them as soon as i find them.
Photographers Katy Grannan, Jocelyn Lee, Ryan McGinley, Steve Pyke, Martin Schoeller and Alec Soth are featured in the National Portrait Gallery’s fourth installation of “Portraiture Now.” This series presents some of the most creative 21st-century portrait artists. The current installation, titled “Feature Photography,” identifies six critically acclaimed fine-art photographers who also have pursued editorial assignments for a variety of popular publications. The exhibition will be on view in six rooms on the first floor of the museum through Sept. 27, 2009.

“Each of these talented photographers is creating new and innovative portrayals of people for editorial assignments and major museum exhibitions,” said Martin E. Sullivan, director of the National Portrait Gallery. “‘Portraiture Now: Feature Photography’ captures today’s trends in contemporary photographic portraiture with pictures of both the well-known and anonymous.”

As the exhibition demonstrates, compelling editorial images are often created by photographers who have well-established fine-arts credentials. Their work appears in both established and avant-garde publications, including Esquire, GQ, the New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, Index Magazine and Vice. Publishing editorial work while maintaining a fine-arts career follows a tradition established by such highly esteemed photographers as Edward Steichen, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz. Each gained a following through his or her magazine work.

Several sitters are instantly recognizable to viewers, including presidential candidates Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama and actors Angelina Jolie and Jack Nicholson, all by Schoeller; musician Billy Joel and actor Forest Whitaker by Grannan; musician Steven Morrissey (known primarily as Morrissey) by McGinley; Chinua Achebe, Henry Kissinger and Norman Mailer by Pyke. The artists all have different takes on how to portray people through photographs:

•Grannan is known for her distinctive, haunting portraits, often using the mundane particulars of everyday lives to heighten the viewer’s sense of her subjects’ individuality.

•Lee, who has taught photography at Princeton since 2003, explores environment and narrative play in the art of portraiture. This exhibition includes work that she completed in Maine.

•McGinley’s work in this exhibition comprises a group of photographs taken at several concerts headlined by Morrissey between 2004 and 2006. McGinley’s solo exhibition venues include the Whitney Museum of American Art and P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center.

•Pyke, on staff with the New Yorker since 2004, first won notice for his portrait style in the 1980s. He has long been fascinated by faces.

•Also a photographer for the New Yorker, Schoeller emphasizes his subjects’ facial features. Iconic faces can be seen anew when removed from their usual contexts and printed at 40 inches by 50 inches. In addition, his work has appeared in many other magazines, including GQ, People, Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair.

•Soth works with a large-format 8-inch by 10-inch camera; this exhibition includes a selection of his portraits of young women. His work is represented in several major collections, including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

The exhibition curators are Brandon Brame Fortune, Anne Collins Goodyear, Frank H. Goodyear III, Ann M. Shumard and Wendy Wick Reaves.
Have you guys noticed that Serena's mother in Gossip Girls has a huge photog' of him in her appt. ?

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