Nothing against Sara or anyone but... Hmmm, you guys say about best chances yaddayadda but where she is now ? lol with all these chances. If she has best chances shed be doing FW now in NY, Paris and Milan and booking HF campaigns which she doesnt.

If here somebody says she has the best chances i think nobody means that she will walk HF!!! She will never walk HF imo.And that Just because she is a GNTM-Girl. Fashion and Designer have their own rules.. and nobody of them will book a former GNTM-Girl.
She has the chances to make good commercial like catalog stuff or so.
Or Maybe next season some little Shows in BFW.
BUT NEVER EVER a show for Chanel or Givenchy.
If we speak about best chances you cant compare Sara chances with chances of a Laura Biachin oder Karolin Wolter. They go in different direction which is ok!