Silvia Ranguelova

LadybirdLeah said:
Chestit rojden den, Silve!:flower:
(Happy birthday)

I wonder...where's the party?
cause if it's in bulgaria I can stop by for a drink...or two:D
That is so cute!!
Thank you!!!

The party was in NY and it was amazing...
(LadybirdLeah--shte si buda v Bulgaria za Koleda..neka da si razmenim maili i da se vidim,za da moga da ti blagodaria lichno za tozi thread!)
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http://images4.************/thumbs/87/ http://images4.************/thumbs/7c/ http://images4.************/thumbs/0d/ http://images4.************/thumbs/04/ http://images4.************/thumbs/a6/ http://images4.************/thumbs/8d/ http://images4.************/thumbs/48/ http://images4.************/thumbs/a9/ http://images4.************/thumbs/26/
the most beautiful picture i have seen of her :heart:

michelle ferrara
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elite barcelona
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here's some polas:
Upload Image with PicTiger

Silvia, it's great you joined your own thread ^_^ share some photos with us that haven't been posted here yet-like the ad campaign u made for 'bath and body works' or photos from the amourette catalogue. Have a nice time in Bulgaria, spend the holidays with the people you love and rest because I guess 2007 will be very busy for you. What are your plans?

(az nqma da sum v bg za praznicite:cry: ,no puk moje da se zase4em na po edin starbucks v ny,ina4e v bg hodq v upstairs i bedroom)
LadybirdLeah, it seems to me that you have every picture of mine here!! Even pictures that have been made quite a long time ago :)
From "Bath&Body works" the only pics I have are the one I took myself from the window ate the store :)

There are two pic that I love taken by Kenneth Whilard I think you havent posted...
(no sa v lichnite mi arhivi,niamam linkove v neta kum tiah ..kak da gi postna ..ili da ti gi pratia na mail moje bi?)

p.s.(pribiram se v NY tazi sedmica i s nai goliamo udovolstvie bih pila po edno kafence v Starbucks! Kak jelaesh da si razmenim nomerata??)
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hi silvia! i don't know what you wrote in slovak, but are you going to be in New York for fashion week?
Well, well, well, look who's here... Always good to catch up with an old friend

Silviooooo! Ia da vzema da ti pratia edin private msg da ti kaja kolko sym ti syrdit :-)
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Hi everyone! :flower:I was away for quite a while, but as far as I see, nothing much was added here.
Com'on! Silvia, post some pics and share some news, how's the career?
It's photos, ad campaigns, catwalks...what about movies?:rolleyes:
http://images7.************/thumbs/f9/ http://images7.************/thumbs/9a/ http://images7.************/thumbs/d5/ http://images7.************/thumbs/ad/ http://images7.************/thumbs/db/ http://images7.************/thumbs/7e/ http://images7.************/thumbs/14/
soderberg agentur
You guys are amazing!! How do you manage to dig out each photo of mine I've shot?! :)
LadybirdLeah, career is going quite well. A worldwide campaign I shot for "Air France" just came out. And recently I've shot a national,both print and tv for "Garnier Fructis"... I dropped shows..not worth it!! Going for the money lady :))
haha Sometimes, I just happen to come across pictures of you! :p Thats great that you have some campaigns out and coming out!
LadybirdLeah: otivam si v bg vuv vtornik(7.08) za edna sedmica..7 meseca ne sam vijdala maminka :( tam li shte si da se vidim/zapoznaem nai-nakraia ?! :) was the party and why wasn't I invited?

silvia, happy bday :flower:

as I like chocolate incredibly much, here's a piece of chocolate cake for you...I hope this will do for the belated wish :blush:


  • BDayCake.jpg
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