Snow White Film Thread

I wonder if they'll count each other out and all fail. Disney has copyrights, correct? If so then why would they allow 3 to be in production? seems a little trigger happy imo.
^maybe Disney has copyrights to the original story and all these movies are at least a bit different?
^ You're probably right but the titles alone are pretty much the same(?) and even if they are slightly different, if the storyline is the "Snow White story" then I don't know if the title matters.
I don't know, don't mind me I'm just confused about the whole thing tbh. I feel like it's over kill no matter what. Who wants to see 3 movies essentially about the same topic? I guess that's more my confusion and I'm pretty sure Disney, being a massive company has broad copyright terms for their films,the titles, marketing etc etc.
Also, technically, I think anyone can make a "Snow White" movie because it wasn't created by Disney. The story has been around for centuries before Disney created the famed movie. Although, I suppose if they were to directly take ideas from the original Disney film then a lawsuit would be in order. However, my feeling is, don't people think that three Snow White films is a bit much? Are there no other stories that are worth telling? And that would be far more interesting and probably more important to tell? Honestly, seeing that three stories with the same character from different production companies is probably a sign that Hollywood needs to step up it's game. Get some new talent and idea's onto the cinema screen.
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^I agree. I remember reading a rumor there are 2 Sleeping Beauty movies in the works so clearly something is off.
Here's a possible explanation about the trademarking of the SW:

Universal studios is currently in the process of creating a Darker and Edgier film based on the fairy tale, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." At a Comic Con panel with the director, he stated that they got into trouble with Disney over it, and so their movie has to have eight dwarfs. That's right, Disney was able to restrain the details on a centuries-old fairy tale. Had Disney fully gotten their way, they'd have the rights to control everything Snow White in any medium except for literature.
^Really? Well that's appalling. How can they control a story which isn't rightfully theres? Disney didn't create SW they only tamed the story so it was more kid-friendly. Pretty much all of Disney's princess stories are rooted in fairytales, so are they going to get the exclusive rights to all of them?
Well, they probably bought the rights from Grimm's family, hence them doing a movie long tine ago so they have the right to stipulate the others on their boundries.
^ and a lot of people were introduced to those stories through Disney's telling of them. I think it's all about name association, when I think Disney I think of these stories :)
^it looks promising! :)
LOL @ the knights with the colorful umbrellas
Some shields have San Lorenzo´s colors, Viggo would´ve approved lol
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Snow White and the Huntsman Set Pics

kstewartfans lj via sleepykrista
I have a friend who's been working on this film as part of the production crew, other than being very cold and muddy a lot of the time she was saying how much fun it's been working on the big fight scenes and how good it's looking although she did say certain cast members attitudes leave a lot to be desired-perpetually announcing you're cold when everyone else is too isn't really a great move to get the crew on side. It's the done thing for the major players on a movie to muck in and be able to have a laugh and there's a certain level of expected socialising but apparently some cast members feel that doesn't apply to them.
So you're talking about guys in the crew cus i'm thinking both Charlize and Kristen are major ones, while the rest arent on their level of fame? Some peeps arent into mzch socializing and until it starts making problems and delaying the shoot in general i don't see it as a problem, tbh.
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No I'm talking about cast members. By socialising I mean that you're expected to be able to chat to crew beyond the director and producers, share a joke between set-ups and generally muck in with the comradery of the shoot, not slink off for a cigarette with a phone attached to your ear. No ones expecting them all to go out for drinks at the end of the day. Of course this all came from a friend of mine but I know exactly where she's coming from so I absolutely believe what she told me.
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oh well, not everyone's into socializing of that kind. of course it's nice and great/cool if you are and all, but unless someone's acting like a diva and blocking the whole project with that kind of behavior, i don't see it as problem. i'm guessing you're talking about kristen? i've heard different kind of story from the BD set, so it might depend from a project to a project. either way i don't see why keeping to yourself (and not totally as you said she's talking to the main peeps of the crew) would be seen as something bad, i guess?

thank you for the insight,tho, always nice to hear stories directly from the set. :)
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I've never been on a film set so I can't say I understand exactly, but I imagine it's like working on a group project for school and then one or two of the members start snubbing you and only wanting to talk/work with the main organizer of a project. Which is an awful feeling, being snubbed like that. Anyways, I've always thought that shooting a film is suppose to have a sense of camaraderie. I mean, everyone wants to achieve the same goal, making a great film. You would think actors would remember that when on set. However it seems that's not always the case. But maybe the cast of Harry Potter always made filming look like such fun. They were always praising one another and the crew. And talking about how they were all good friends. Thats a shame that your friend's experience isn't going so well, LittlePaperStars, I hope it gets better! ^_^
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^You're spot on and I don't think that the Harry Potter set was a fluke, (I've just come off Man of Steel and it was joyus!) She's actually said to me that she's worked on two Russell Crowe films and had less attitude! Haha! I should say the bulk of the cast is fantastic and she has a girl crush on Charlize Theron. I'm off down to the set myself in a few days so we'll see, none of that crap will work with me!.
^I really want your job. Like no joke. You were on the Man of Steel set...with Henry freaking Cavill. :cry:

But Kristen actually looks bigger in the costume than she did in the promo pics.
It's somewhat more believable, however, I still can't see her "kicking butt" alongside Thor.

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