Sparkly (?) Lotion


Mar 25, 2006
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Hi! Ive noticed that so many of the celebs have sparkles on their body (chest area/arms/legs, etc.) - does anyone know a good but relatively cheap(er) brand (as in not the price range of say something like la mer)? Im guessing it is lotion that has that sparkling touch...(not "glowing" like thoes self-tanners)...
I think they use body dusting bronzers not really too sure, but you can try some of the lotions at Victoria's Secret, they even have a pretty big sale right now and all of them sparkle and shine. ;)
I live in Canada and they dont have Victoria's Secret here - but we have Holt Renfrew etc. which is like the Canada equivalent of Barneys, etc. Any other suggestions? I need it pretty immediately!
i have one from Jergens. it's just from a local drugstore (in canada) so i'm sure you'll be able to find it too. it was like $10 and it's not a bronzer. it's a body moisturizer with gold shimmer and it works really well!
Actually, it's true that we don't have Victoria's Secret in Canada but I believe they bought out LaSenza, and now LaSenza is selling most of the Victoria's Secret body products!! They have been for a while now, so if you're interested in those products you should check it out! :)
Ok they use mostly (from what i've read) Scott Barnes - Body Bling and Nars - Body Glow. I have Nars Body Glow and it is really good.
But you can use almost anything. I also use Calvin Klein Liquid Crystals.
You can use powders i have a givenchy, a guerlain and you can find some amazing at The Body Shop. Just mix them with body lotion or use a brush.

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