Straightening curly hair?

imo lacefab
big non gelled curls would look good with your face structure
Lovely curls but to be honest, all that gel isn't very becoming, your hair just looks wet. Do you have a picture of it dry? I think dry would be much better.
The Beckham hairstyle would probably look nice on you, but first you'd have to either relax or straighten your hair. Relaxing makes your hair super duperly straight.
I'm not sure if they have that at your local hair stylist's but you could ask or show them a picture of the beckham haircut and see what they suggest. A professional stylist would know best.
Thanx guys for all the help :D Really appreciated!!!

I'll most probably cut my hair in the beckham style and straighten them in the summer... I'll talk with my stylist!

And here is me without any gel and messed up hair, this morning it was less messy but...oh well ! Thanx for the comment.


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Dubuc said:
Thanx guys for all the help :D Really appreciated!!!

I'll most probably cut my hair in the beckham style and straighten them in the summer... I'll talk with my stylist!

And here is me without any gel and messed up hair, this morning it was less messy but...oh well ! Thanx for the comment.

OMG! Your hair is so cute without gel :woot:
I change my vote. Keep your hair like it is in that picture! So adorable!
Dubac, that last picture you posted of yourself looks like Heath Ledger.

You're a sexy man!
:clap: All hail the anti-gel revolution. Your hair looks fantastic as it is.
All hail the anti-gel revolution. Your hair looks fantastic as it is.

Dubac, that last picture you posted of yourself looks like Heath Ledger.

You're a sexy man!
OMG! Your hair is so cute without gel :woot:
I change my vote. Keep your hair like it is in that picture! So adorable!

wow! Never though having no gel would make such a difference! Well I really appreciate your comments!:blush:
MY-ex girlfriend always told me to put no gel put I never listenned to her .. ! AHAHHAh

Well I guess I'll think more about cutting my hair then! Thank you guys !:flower: :heart:
want straight hair, am cheap...

so i blow dry my hair straight but always have breakage...i do not own a flat iron but wanna know what you guys think/use in order to keep wazy strands straight and strong and soft...thanks!

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