She was in Holland when she was wearing the fur...If you live in cold Russia ok, for them it's "normal" because of the cold. Pink Adiction also the animals on the farm get killed very brutal no big diffirence i think. Fur is fur and i think it's stupid when you live in sunny hollywood and you are waring a fur sealion jacket like Britney Spears white short jacket. I cant imagion that you wear a jacket that's made of 2 sea lions baby's who where beaten to dead with a stick.
Sylvie's coat looks like chinchilla, maybe 14 chinchilla's.....for 1 stupid coat. Thats she will only wear a couple of times. She said in a intervieuw not to wear stuff more then 1 or 2 times..
Sylvie hosted the FIFA footbal gala, i don't have pictures sorry....