What do you think is the pinnacle of luxury and style when it comes to bags? Is it a Birkin or the Chanel 2.55, or something a little more esoteric? I ask because I recently came across 3Luxe, a social shopping/recommendation engine that purports to list the top three products in each of the site's categories. They've hired writers/researchers to find and review the top products for the site.
They tend to stick to the classics (obviously, as they have Fendi and Dior on their everyday bags list and the aforementioned Hermes Birkin on their totes list), but there's a few outliers too - the slouchy "Sienna" Deere Calhoun satchel makes the grade, for instance. I'm surprised that Balenciaga was no where to be found, however, because I believe that the bags that have come out under Nicolas Ghesquiere's direction are true modern classics.
Thinking about what I personally thought was the very best handbag made me want to take it to the boards - what do you think is the greatest, most luxurious, and stylish bag?
Or if you could only carry one bag for the rest of your life (assuming money is no object when it comes to purchasing it), what bag would it be?
They tend to stick to the classics (obviously, as they have Fendi and Dior on their everyday bags list and the aforementioned Hermes Birkin on their totes list), but there's a few outliers too - the slouchy "Sienna" Deere Calhoun satchel makes the grade, for instance. I'm surprised that Balenciaga was no where to be found, however, because I believe that the bags that have come out under Nicolas Ghesquiere's direction are true modern classics.
Thinking about what I personally thought was the very best handbag made me want to take it to the boards - what do you think is the greatest, most luxurious, and stylish bag?
Or if you could only carry one bag for the rest of your life (assuming money is no object when it comes to purchasing it), what bag would it be?