The Worst Songs - Ever!

Omg Squizree, rage issues much? As much as I wish those "artists" would never perform in public again, killing is pretty extreme.

I don't really listen to mainstream radio, so I don't exactly know what's out right now. But I do know who Miley Cyrus is because I still, unfortunately, live in a dorm full of college students who play her constantly and have sing-alongs in our lounge far too frequently. can someone please explain to me why she's famous? She's not talented, particularly pretty, or stylish. Please dear god someone explain why I am so frequently subjected to hearing her songs.

It seems like there are lots of Lady Gaga fans here, but I've got to say that I think there's no art to what she's doing. "Videophone" and "Telephone" were some of the worst sons I've ever heard in my entire life, and the video for Videophone was just moronic and insufferable. Some of her other videos were interesting, but it's not like she designed them by herself or anything. She had a whole team of well-paid producers, directors, designers, etc. doing that magic. The songs? Catchy, but cover up the fact that she actually has a pretty good voice, and are way too overproduced like everything else these days. And so she wears outlandish things. Oh boy. Anybody can throw the most extreme items of clothing onto their bodies, but I don't think they should be considered geniuses or stylish or fashion icons or whatever for doing so. I think it's just juvenile that she dresses that way--it's like the kids in high school who were really into sci fi or whatever and held their conversations exceptionally loudly just to draw attention to the fact that they're weird.
About 99% of Kanye West's wait make that 100%

Second that!^

Kesha whateverhername has some hideous songs "Imma so drunk blahblahblah" role model much?

Nickelbacks Burn it to the ground :doh::sick: It is on radio and music channells like all the time and I just wanna puke.

Pretty much everything from the Black eyed peas, horrible trash "boomboompow" talk about a message the lyrics convey :rolleyes:

Fergie's attempts of a solo career, Big girls dont cry. Awful.

Shakira's She Wolf irritates me to the limits.

Justin bieber's Baby :lol::rofl: haha "When I was thirteen I had my first love" hilarious, how can you take something like that seriously?
Omg Squizree, rage issues much? As much as I wish those "artists" would never perform in public again, killing is pretty extreme.

I don't really listen to mainstream radio, so I don't exactly know what's out right now. But I do know who Miley Cyrus is because I still, unfortunately, live in a dorm full of college students who play her constantly and have sing-alongs in our lounge far too frequently. can someone please explain to me why she's famous? She's not talented, particularly pretty, or stylish. Please dear god someone explain why I am so frequently subjected to hearing her songs.

It seems like there are lots of Lady Gaga fans here, but I've got to say that I think there's no art to what she's doing. "Videophone" and "Telephone" were some of the worst sons I've ever heard in my entire life, and the video for Videophone was just moronic and insufferable. Some of her other videos were interesting, but it's not like she designed them by herself or anything. She had a whole team of well-paid producers, directors, designers, etc. doing that magic. The songs? Catchy, but cover up the fact that she actually has a pretty good voice, and are way too overproduced like everything else these days. And so she wears outlandish things. Oh boy. Anybody can throw the most extreme items of clothing onto their bodies, but I don't think they should be considered geniuses or stylish or fashion icons or whatever for doing so. I think it's just juvenile that she dresses that way--it's like the kids in high school who were really into sci fi or whatever and held their conversations exceptionally loudly just to draw attention to the fact that they're weird.

:rofl: :rofl: It just pisses me off so much hearing that garbage on the radio and knowing that little kids are being influenced by it. Ugh, oh well.

I'm sure that Squizree won't do that. (will you? :ninja::lol:)
:innocent:........ :lol: kidding.
Oh!! And K$sha!!! OMG, I wanna kill her!! Her voice and her songs are repulsive!
She constantly sounds like a drunk sl*t....although that's probably the point.

I don't even know if it counts as singing, when her voice is so heavily modified for every song. I mean, you really can't tell the "singing" from the background effects (which is hardly music, either). That also goes for Britney Spears' "3", which was just plain bad from the get go. :sick:

I can't stand 30 Seconds to Mars. If there is one band whose every single goddamn song is likely to derail me while driving, it's 30STM. Which is why I bring my own CDs to the car. It's not even that they're a cheap and unoriginal mix of Green Day and Coldplay or that Jared Leto doesn't really have much of a voice beyond being able to stay on key, it's those pretentious lyrics and that feckin' stupid child choir in the background. You know, I'm one of those people who can really be handicapped mid-action by bad music, and 30STM really stops all brain activity in my head. It's just too busy being royally pissed off. And why does that dude have to whine and scream all the time? Eh?
- Also guilty of relentless and uncalled for screaming: Avril Lavigne in that atrocious Alice in Wonderland song. It's actually putting me off from seeing the film.

Rihanna's been another pet peeve for a while, but the only song I really feel is downright hideous is "Rude Boy". It infuriates me with its stupidity, right down to the ridiculous music video -- she really thinks she is The ****, doesn't she? No real melody, dumb, 50 Cent-inspired lyrics, and as much as she'd "rather not" talk about Chris Brown, it's funny how I read him all over not only her interviews but her album as well. I always turn off the radio in silent protest whenever that song is on.

Beyoncé should really get into a new genre. Or at least something with melody. I don't even know what to call the genre she is in today -- women-who-cant-rap-talk? What a waste of a voice (even though there are stronger examples). Since her "Dangerously in Love" album it's just gone downhill while her ego has expanded to enormous propertions -- and rather unwarrantedly at that. I couldn't even finish the first half of her latest album. Her "Video Phone" (or whatever the heck it's called) duet with Gaga is just the tip of the pooberg.

Also, Akon (and most RnB in general), Green Day, Fergie & Black Eyed Peas, all the new songs of Nightwish where you can really tell Annette Olzon doesn't speak passable English, celebrity charity/cause collaborations, Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" (I've sincerely never understood the appeal of it) and "Alive" or sth to that effect, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

And finally, Timbaland needs new tricks. He's had a couple of catchy tunes, particularly collaborating with other artists, but if I hear that "fricky-fricky-frick-frick" thing he does in one more song, I will stop buying anything and everything that has to do with him.
Oh right, I totally forgot 30 seconds to mars!! Their songs are just full of screaming! Repulsive! Jared Leto should stay in acting, or just dissapear alltogether.
some soulja boy song about marco polo.dear god is it awful.
also anything by animal collective.
anything by

Katy Perry
Justin Bieber
Black Eyed Peas
Kaiser Chiefs
Hedi Montag
That guy called Chipmunk is really atrocious, N-Dubz and Tinchy Stryder. They are really pulling down the British music industry, they are that bad. For the most part, while I don't listen to much rap, I can at least respect rappers like Jay-Z and Dizzee Rascal. Those Anyway, anything dominating the UK charts. Diana Vickers is punchable. Making contrived noises does NOT make you unique and fresh. It just makes you annoying.

I always have the sudden urge to leave a wedding whenever I hear 70s disco music. BORING.

Oh, and how can I forget emo bands? They are the death of me. ...and faux rock singers like Avril Lavigne who sing glorified pop music, nothing more.

Oh, and Green Day are terrible, right? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this.
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It seems like all actresses think they can sing too... before they were becoming 'fashion designers'.
Ahhh! I forgot one of the worst. That "Boy Does Nothin" chick. Whatsherface. Alesha... Dixon? Quite possibly some of the worst "singing" I have heard in my life.
Nicki Minaj. She's so useless.

I also REALLY hate "You're Mine" by Jason Mraz. It's such a pathetic song.
Anyway that Sean Kingston sings. I'd rather get hit by a bus than listen to any of his music.
Freaking Jay-Z new song Forever Young, lyrically and vocally atrocious.
The Price is Wrong - Lil Wayne
Any song with Drake in it. He is so monotonous in his delivery it literally gives me a headache.
Young Money- Vita Chambers
In My Head- Jason Derulo
There's this song 'according to you', I don't know who the hell sings it, I'm not sure that's even the name but it's on high rotation.. it sounds like some sort of Demi Lovato (sp?) or one of these kids. Anyway, AWFUL lyricis, I get second-hand embarrassment every time I listen to it in stores. :lol:

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