Ugly Betty - ABC's Primetime Show

I know, right? I'm going to be able to watch it like 24 hours after it airs in America :shifty:
not available in my country either :(

I thought youtube was a way to share culture all around the world, guess not! lol
Sorry you guys couldn't see it :( Does work for you guys? Maybe the clips work there?
Thanks a lot for the link, they work now. I already hate Matt!
But hopefully Willy has a plan up her sleeve, that will help push him out. :shifty:
Season premier tonight in America tonight, right? :buzz:
Yes! :buzz: I gotta Tivo it because I gotta go darn volunteering at movie night :doh::doh:

Also, they usually have the full episode on after it airs, last season at least they did that. Hopefully this season too for you guys outside the States ^_^
^ I know. So excited :bounce:

Here's the lastest Mode After hours to get us in the mood

Ugly Betty - Mode After Hours 3.05 "Queenseeker"

I can't wait for tomorrow so I can watch it :shifty: I've been waiting for this for some time now.. I wonder who the person in Wilhelmina's bedroom was? Connor?
"Just catchting some rays - in my tanning bed - that has wireless" :rofl:

Thanks for posting Label Basher!
Just finished watching the season premier. :buzz: Not much really I can say, but bring on the next episode already!
Loved the premier!! I must say, Betty looks fabulous here! Love the bangs :heart:
The first hour was great, I cried for Justin it was horrid :(

So excited for this season! :woot:
I know, right? I hate to see people been bullied.
I'm excited for this season as well, especially the whole Wilhelmina/Niko storyline. I wonder if the bounty hunter tracks down Connor? :shifty:
I hate Matt so bad now. He's such a "jerk" as Betty and Daniel would say!
I think I kinda expected Niko to be back. I didn't really expect Connor to be her. And Yaya Da Costa is so cute. And she seems to be a good actress.
I feel so bad for Justin. Mark is a good guide and knows what he'll go through so it's great that Mark is there for him.
I also feel bad for Amanda. I hope this doesn't mean she'll leave Mode. It'll be so different without her.
And Betty, What can I say? Lookin' fierce and confident at the end! I'm so happy for her. :D

Can't wait to see next week's episode. :buzz:
Yip Matt's a d*ck BUT you can't blame him that much as Betty hurt him. He still loves her so it much suck for him.

The fashion last night was not that good. I wasn't craving any of Amanda's looks at all. I don't want to seem mean but I really wish they would start dressing Wilamina differently cause a lot of the outfits are not flattering to her figure.

OMG poor Justin. I felt so bad for him. High school sucks. But where are his friends from his old school? 90% of the time you move up schools with the same people if you live in one area so it's weird. He's just got to focus and remember that the bullies will probably be working at a 7/11 or in jail when they grow up and he will be in the fashion/acting world.

And what a waste of time Kristen Johnston's role was. I thought she was coming on to be Daniels new assistant for at least 3-5 eps but it was just a cameo in the end. How lame.

Next Week - Ugly Betty - 4x03 promo "Blue on Blue"

I don't want to seem mean but I really wish they would start dressing Wilamina differently cause a lot of the outfits are not flattering to her figure.

I agree so bad. She's been wearing the same type of clothes since the beginning of the show. She's working in a fashion magazine and can't even have different type of outfits.

And what a waste of time Kristen Johnston's role was.
I disagree 'cuz it'll help Mandy figure out what she's gonna do after being a receptionist.

What's a 7/11? lol
I love Betty's outfit at the end. I'm not sure about the change though, as fabulous she looks her crazy outfits are what made the show and title.

So excited for next episode!
Thanks for posting the videos. :flower:
I laughed when Becky and Marc talked about the pigeons! :rofl: I love them! They're a great duo! :D
Just finished watching Blue on Blue and I was desperately waiting for something to happen between Wilhelmina & Connor.

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