Urban Outfitters

The sale has started in the UK!

I bought this playsuit the other day, then when I checked it on the website I found out it was classified under lingerie...oops, that was definitely not what I bought it for. But pyjama style is still in right?...right?

img source: urbanoutfitters.co.uk
Snagged a few things I couldn't resist!


Black Blazer



faux suede jewelry box :woot:

Source: Urban Outfitters
I keep seeing this U.O. sweatshirt on tumblr (among other UO products that are borderline).
tFS deals with it here http://www.thefashionspot.com/buzz-news/latest-news/463699-kent-state-sweatshirt/

Any reactions ? Is there a thread where we can discuss "Fashion has gone too far this time" ?

PS: I've never shopped in UO. I think they are cheap.

unfortunately, it's not an accident. it's just indicative of the modus operandi of the owner of UO.

i used hold my nose abd shop a lot at urban outfitters. they had good housewares and cameras and occasionally decent t shirts. i havent purchased anything in a year though.
i really liked UO a few years ago, but they are way too "hipster" for my taste lately

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