US Harper's Bazaar January 2009 : Victoria Beckham by Peter Lindbergh

That Solve:woot: ed sounds great

Thanks for the scans, she looks stunning and reading the interview in the HB site make me love her even more:blush:, love the sobscribers cover too.
The 43-page spread by Solve Sunsbo sounds really awesome, too bad I think no one is going to scan it for us :(
If I had my copy of it, I would gladly scan the editorial but I've only just received the December issue, so I'm not hoping to get my copy so soon. So, like all of you, I really can't wait to see this editorial, especially because of the model line-up.:woot:
Do I see "Fabulous At Every Age" on the cover again? :lol: + :judge: = :blink:

If it's going to be a monthly feature (and they should probably make it one at this point if it isn't already), why can't they just leave it in the table of contents? Why subject us to the same boring cover line? I know magazines are all about business, but can't they exhibit an ounce of creativity in that area?
Do I see "Fabulous At Every Age" on the cover again? :lol: + :judge: = :blink:

If it's going to be a monthly feature (and they should probably make it one at this point if it isn't already), why can't they just leave it in the table of contents? Why subject us to the same boring cover line? I know magazines are all about business, but can't they exhibit an ounce of creativity in that area?

from th Dec issue, there's no title on the cover, only its logo and the name of cover woman. They made bazaar becomes a brand that worth.
:o 43 pages by Solve Sundsbo, I guess I'll have to buy it no matter how much I dislike the rest of the contents, especially that thing featuring Marc Jacobs.
i just got it it is amazing. haha i bought it b4 my subscription got in..why bother subscribing
Wow, parkereloise, you lucky girl! Can you give us a hint on what the Solve editorial is like? How many pages each model has, for example. Thanks a million!
amanda laine has 4 pictures. chanel iman has four pictures.... the models are taryn davidson, agnete hegelund, chanel iman, irina kulikova, amanda laine, hanne gaby odiele, alona osmanova, hye park, and olga sherer
actually i ripped out one page. to put into my chanel ( the brand not the model) file so idk who was on that or the back of it so it might be more.. but i feel like they each have 4-5 pics
Thanks a million, parkereloise! This sounds like a very promising issue to me!
A preview is up on so far i like...the standout pics are Hye's, Chanels:woot:and Agnetes:woot:
The previews look great.

amanda's pic would make a perfect V cover.
If you are a subscriber than the cover is her in the Dolce gown but I don't know which is the newsstand copy. Probably the very last one since they like stuff like that
^The newsstandcopy is already posted a few pages back :flower:
Fantastic Voyage

Photographer: Solve Sundsbo
Stylist: Nicola Formichetti
Makeup: Petros Petrohilos
Hair stylist: Danillo
Models:Olga Sherer, Hanne Gaby Odiele, Hye Park, Chanel Iman, Alyona Osmanova, Agnete Hegelund, Taryn Davidson, Irina Kulikova & Amanda Laine


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