^ But... but this is 1989, you were still 12 years away from the wild ride of 2001, right?.
I saw that article earlier today and texted my Argentinian friend "
Menem was an Arab?!! lol how did that go down with the Jewish community?", his response
"the embassy of Israel and the AMIA were bombed so they killed his son"

I agree Baryshnikov's ego is too much but also, the way American media, celebrities and every powerful person in NY pumped that ego from day one is baffling.. it was that disproportionate hype (beginning with this idea that he was remotely good-looking, which he clearly bought!) that you would think it was sponsored by whatever agency was in charge of fueling anti-USSR sentiments back in the day cause you know, defector. Still... I'll be honest, he remains in my professional radar and I'd do and give up.. a lot of things to establish proximity.
Love that Ralph Lauren/Bruce Weber ad..