V Magazine #105 : Kendall, Carolyn, Lara, Amber, Joan & Ellen by Mario Testino

I'm only here for Amber, Carolyn and Joan. I like their covers the best.
Amber's cover gave me life! That's a supermodel. I'm a bit disappointed about Ellen's, that's not a good cover at all :(.
The rest... who cares?
I obviously love Ellen, but I'm torn about her cover. I don't know if I like it or hate it. Haven't made up my mind yet. :lol: I'm just so happy for her achievement! That's huge for a new face, getting the cover among all these supers. :woot:

I dont get what is Lily even doing there...? Anyway, my favorite covers are Amber's and Carolyn's. And I love the concept!
The concept is really cool but only Amber and Carolyn delivered it. The rest is trash.
As for the cover with models on it Joan and Lara's are not good.
As for the celebcovers; well it's Kendall so we can't really expect anything.
I don't think we give enough credit to Kendall... It can't be easy to have the same expression all the time... I bet it takes so much concentration...

I love Amber's cover... it is the strongest...

I am totally overLaraStoned... seriously, give us a break love!
I love Amber's cover, the rest are just okay imo. Can't wait to see the editorial!
I love Amber Valleta cover :)

Where is Bella and Gigi I do not see them on the covers (ironic):evil:
I hate it, it looks like an ANTM challenge.
Carolyn & Amber have the best covers, but the others are horrible. Testino's work in recent years is so boring.
Amber's cover is the best, the rest go from passable to meh. Also, Kendall's just doing the same face everywhere.
I absolutely love the concept, which oddly feels like a breath of fresh air for V Magazine (who haven't exactly been producing groundbreaking covers/content lately). The whole tattoo idea reminds me of Gia Carangi by Chris von Wangenheim from the 70s but I think Testino and crew have executed this wonderfully. All the girls (including Kendall) look fantastic but I am just loving Lara Stone here more than anyone else.
Amber looks awesome! She's giving sons of anarchy vibes. Ellen looks like Tyra here
Dua Lipa
Mario Testino
Stylist: Tom Guinness
Make-Up: Yadim
Hair: Christiaan

Role Model
Steven Klein
Stylist: Robbie Spencer
Models: Ashley Graham, Tyson Ballou, Louis Bubko & Hunter Bach
Make-Up: Yadim
Hair: Ward

That is the best I have ever seen Ashley look and the first time I saw her as a high fashion model - her work so far has been too commercial for me. Also the best editorial I have seen from V in a long time.
I still don't see Ashley in high fashion. Also, her shoot looks a lot like Lara's VI August editorial. Just not as good.
I actually think it's better than Lara's. This is like a half-baked 'day in the life of a hooker' or behind the scenes of a PM sex scandal. Unfortunately with such narrative driven features, the styling gets overshadowed most of the times. Spencer should've chosen stronger pieces for this.

Is her clients make her wear a Joker mask in the last shot??? Lol. What a weird fetish to have!
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