Vanity Fair May 2011 : Rob Lowe by Annie Leibovitz

I'm OK with Rob Lowe getting this cover, and although I probably wouldn't want to read his whole autobiography, I'd certainly be interested in reading the highlights in the mag.
Rob Lowe, still shirtless after all these years... I've just realised that they've had men on the cover for most of the 2011 issues so far.

I'm already looking forward to their Elizabeth Taylor issue, which must be in production as we speak - especially considering that the UK edition didn't run the Burton letters cover story last year (July 2010).
I don't mind Rob Lowe on the cover tbh. I think it's kinda random and fresh and cool.

But I find VF in general so strange. I don't really understand who it's audience is? There's no fashion in these magazines. Not much substance about movies or music. Doubtful that there'd be some riveting social or political or economic articles. For everyday run of the mill gossip, you can just flip through Us or Star. And their cover choices are the worst. You can always set aside one cover each year for the another Kennedy story. A couple additional covers for dead/really old stars from the hey days. One cover with Gisele. And the rest are just random combination of stars.
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Weird. He looks a lot like Ted bundy these days. Back in his babekilling haydays.
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:lol::shock: my mom went to university with one of those 'babes.' my thoughts exactly, i think it's the eyes. Rob appears to have aged gracefully and looks pretty hot imo. i'm always a sucker for tanned, shirtless surfer dudes:P not to say there wasn't major re-touching done, but it's done tastefully from what i can see. i'm looking forward to his interview/spread.

which magazines past and present aren't guilty of " shamelessly just going for the money and the publicity "? :blink: magazines from the front to the back cover, are glorified advertisements, that's just of the nature of the beast. the trick is fine tuning the cultural barometer and doing it with integrity whether under or over the radar. Rob is certainly a welcome change to Beiber:innocent:

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