Vintage Editorial ID Thread

Hi everyone, by any chance, would any of you have the particular Marie-Claire issue from which this picture if from? It has to be Marie-Claire from the feel of the paper and the visual, it is from spring/summer 1990, that's all I know. I would love to get the other pictures back, my physical copy of the magazine is gone, all I have left is this page archived in my Gaultier's files....


I have this photo of Valeria Mazza that I am trying to find the source of - I already did a Google image search that found matches but none of those led to any further information. Can anyone help or give me any advice on how to find this? Even if this can be linked to an editorial (but didn't make the final cut)...

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I got an ID from this over at Bellazon - it was from a magazine called Gente (December 1996)


More importantly, I'm entering my 20th month in my search for another photo who (thanks to @ellastica) I believe is also Valeria. I found the photo above while I was searching for my photo, actually.

The first 18 months ruled out the US and UK from 1988-2001 with the added bonus of revealing that my photo almost certainly came from 1999.

In the last 2 months, I've briefly delved into Italy and France before agreeing with my belief all along that it couldn't have been in a non-English language magazine.

I've also narrowed the search to the January-July 1999 period but expanded it to include dual-language countries that include English. Below is what is left:

Vogue Taiwan (Feb)
Vogue Korea (Jul)
Harper's Bazaar Australia (Mar,Apr)
Harper's Bazaar Taiwan (Jan,Feb,Mar,May,Jun)
Harper's Bazaar Hong Kong (all 7 months)
Harper's Bazaar Korea (all 7 months)
Elle Taiwan (Jun,Jul)
Elle Hong Kong (all 7 months)
Elle Korea (all 7 months)
Elle India (all 7 months)
Marie Claire Taiwan (Jan, May)
Marie Claire Hong Kong (all 7 months)
Marie Claire Korea (all 7 months)
Marie Claire South Africa (all 7 months)
Marie Claire Singapore (all 7 months)
Marie Claire Malaysia (all 7 months)

83 magazines left. I've been resorting to looking at magazine covers to rule issues out at this stage (why would I look at a foreign magazine if I didn't like the cover?) and can still rule some of the above out (especially Elle) myself by using a great international covers archive.

37 issues of Marie Claire that have a very low probability of success but can't take the chance of not looking at them.

I'm dealing with National Libraries at this point but have been spoiled by the British Library and the National Libraries of Wales and Scotland that worked extensively with me in 2019, for which I would give a 10/10 rating.

Singapore is excellent and I am certain they will close Marie Claire Singapore/Malaysia.
South Africa is good and I believe they will close Marie Claire South Africa.
I am waiting for an initial response from Australia but they've only got 2 magazines so hard to see that being a problem. There is some possibility my photo could be here but it's not my best bet.
India I will probably be able to rule out based on the covers.
I've corresponded with both Hong Kong and Taiwan but it is not clear if they are willing to help. This is not good as both of these are reasonable chances for my photo.
Korea is a black box with no way to contact them via e-mail (there is an international number though). And with some possibility of my photo being here.
Amy Wesson and Guinevere van Seenus by Michael Thompson. I think those are from W magazine, can anyone confirm it and the issue? Thanks in advance!

Sem título-1.png
Not so much looking for anyone who'd know the specific issue, but can anyone recognize the layout of the magazine (must be late 1970/early 1971, I'm guessing) from the image? It looks so *familiar* but I can't place my finger on it. It's not quite right for Vogue Paris or Elle France during that time. It's shot by Alex Chatelaine. Maybe it's from Vogue Paris, hmm... does the layout look familiar to anyone else?

At the risk of sounding like an idiot.. I saved these images (from here!!) and I can't remember what Year/Issue of US Vogue they're from. Any ideas? :lol:

I'm sure they're all from different issues, I just didn't label them for some reason.

upload_2022-8-1_0-32-0.png upload_2022-8-1_0-32-32.png upload_2022-8-1_0-33-33.png


VogueArchive via justaguy
It's been killing me all day, this is Bridget Hall in Allure. What is the editorial, from which issue? I definitely need to see the rest again.
Not so much looking for anyone who'd know the specific issue, but can anyone recognize the layout of the magazine (must be late 1970/early 1971, I'm guessing) from the image? It looks so *familiar* but I can't place my finger on it. It's not quite right for Vogue Paris or Elle France during that time. It's shot by Alex Chatelaine. Maybe it's from Vogue Paris, hmm... does the layout look familiar to anyone else?

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Vogue Paris May 1971
Looking for more money info, i know it's Alana Zimmer, looks like Vogue Japan. Photographer, issue?
Where was this originally from? (Jean Shrimpton by Richard Avedon, c. 1969)
This is an old avatar I used on my Flickr account from 2010. Any skilled squinters on here recognize this ed or image of Kate Moss?
kate small .jpg
Anybody knows which issue of Italian Marie Claire this beautiful Karen Elson image comes from?

MARIE CLAIRE ITALIA photo by Toni Thorimbert
Does anyone know what publication (+issue & year) this image might have appeared in? Vogue Paris?

Helmut Newton, 1974, "Haircut, Jean-Louis David"


Any idea where this editorial with Pat Cleveland (wearing Fernando Sanchez) might be from?
I think it was shot by Helmut Newton, I saw it somewhere else I swear lol. Probably Vogue Paris.
this from early 2000's, I think this Vogue
someone know number or other info?


Can someone help me ID this magazine? I believe it's from a 1997 issue of Glamour Italia. Actress Rose McGowan photographed by Michel Comte.

Thank you!

tumblr_nn23f9l8ND1uop5ado1_1280 copy 2.jpg

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